Sunday, March 30, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Violet Gym

After getting through Sprout Tower and encountering problems commanding Samuel, I knew I had to get my first Gym Badge soon or I'd have troubles with the rest of my team.

My team consisted of:

Elekid (Electric, Male, Lv. 11)
Samuel (Chimchar, Fire, Lv. 11)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 9)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 11)
Lucas (Pidgey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 13)

I went inside, and was advised by the man near the entrance that Grass-Type Pokemon are weak against the Flying-Type Pokemon that the Gym Leader uses. I was sure my team could handle the challenge ahead, even if it's a different challenge than that I've faced before.

I went forward to stand on a panel on the floor, and it raised up high to bring me to a zig-zagging floor with glass panels on the left and right sides. I could do a zig-zag to fight two Trainers and then reach the Gym Leader, or I could go around the two Trainers on the glass floors at the sides and fight the Gym Leader directly. I decided on the latter option, as I didn't know how much longer the rest of my Pokemon would obey my commands.

The Gym Leader introduced himself as Falkner. He told me about how everyone spoke of the weakness of Flying-Type Pokemon to Electric-Types, but he said he wouldn't allow such insults to bird Pokemon. He told me he would show me the real power of bird Pokemon, and then the battle started.

Falkner sent out Pidgey, and I sent out Elekid. I thought myself lucky to have caught it with the Pokewalker when I didn't have any Pokemon who were strong against Flying-Type Pokemon otherwise. Elekid used Thunder Punch for massive damage and knocked it out in a single blow!

Falkner sent out Pidgeotto next, and I kept Elekid in the fight. Elekid hit it with Thunder Punch for massive damage, and it countered with Tackle for great damage. Elekid hit it with another Thunder Punch, and the battle was over. I had won, and Elekid grew to Level 12!

Falkner was quite disappointed in his loss, and revealed that the Pokemon he used belonged to his father. He accepted defeat however, and gave me my first Gym Badge from the Johto League, the Zephyr Badge! With the Zephyr Badge, my Pokemon would obey commands up to Level 20, and I could now use Rock Smash outside of battle. Falkner also gave me TM51 (Roost) as a reward for my victory.

With the Zephyr Badge in hand, Falkner suggested I head to Azalea Town next. I left the building, confident in my team, and I received a call from Professor Elm. I was informed that he and his team had discovered some information, and that he couldn't really discuss details, but he told me he wanted me to carry the Egg that Mr. Pokemon had found. He told me to find his assistant at the Poke' Mart, and that I could get the egg from him.

At the Poke' Mart, I received a Super Potion from a Delivery Man, courtesy of Mom, before I talked to the assistant who handed over the Mysterious Egg. Apparently soon after I left the lab, Elm received a call, and talked to someone, then decided he couldn't think of anyone more suited to protecting the egg than me. The assistant left, and I found myself there with my new Elekid, who seemed quite happy after those easy victories.

When I left the Poke' Mart, I found myself confronted by a Geisha, who noticed the Egg I carried. I told her how I came to have it in my possession, and then she asked that I take good care of the egg for her. She told me she was counting on me, then left. I stood there confused, wondering who that could have been and WHY they had any interest in one of countless Eggs out in the world? I was just glad she didn't want to steal it!

I pondered putting my Elekid back in the PC, but then decided that he proved his worth and deserved a spot on the team. I needed an Electric-Type Pokemon in my team, and I'm sure I'll eventually find a Name Rater to give him a proper name!

Current Team:

Elekid (Electric, Male, Lv. 12)
Samuel (Chimchar, Fire, Lv. 11)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 9)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 11)
Lucas (Pidgey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 13)
Egg - Unknown

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