Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Pokemon Pearl - Snowpoint Temple and Regigigas

I had heard that the temple up at Snowpoint City held the great and powerful Pokemon Regigigas, leader of the Legendary Golems, and that the only way to awaken him was to have the three golems with you when you are in his presence. I switched out Maria, Lucius, and Marcus out for Regice, Regirock, and Registeel, knowing that I was going to be a lot weaker with the three golems only at Level 40.

After I got my team set up, I went to the Snowpoint Temple. I talked to the woman at the stairs, who told me only the chosen may enter the temple, then she asked me to leave. I didn't understand, I was the Sinnoh League Champion, why was that not enough? Suddenly Candice came up from behind, telling her that I could be let in, that Cynthia sent word to her. Candice asked if I was working on my Pokedex, and told me there should be many rare Pokemon in there.

I went inside, and the first thing I saw were several pillars with a large, odd statue at the center. I used a Max Repel, then I went downstairs I saw several rocks around with several ice blocks on the floor, and I managed my way to a Calcium before getting to the next set of stairs. In the second level of the basement, I found a basic maze of rocks, pillars, and a couple ice blocks in the floor. I made my way through easily enough, and got down another level.

When I got to the third level, I realized I had finally hit the hard part of this temple. What laid before me was a floor covered in ice blocks with several rocks around there. I knew I needed to be damn careful around here or I'd be stuck slipping around for a while. I slid around for a couple minutes, but managed to figure out how to get through using the few rocks around, and the single piece of dirt in the center of it all.

I got down to the fourth level, and found myself in another minor rock maze. I grabbed a NeverMeltIce near the bottom right corner, then I went down to the fifth level. On the fifth level I found another large area of ice, and within the center lay the massive Legendary Golem, Regigigas. I had to take several trips through the ice field, but I soon figured out the way I needed to go with the various rocks.

I got to the center, where Regigigas (Normal, Lv. 70) stood, and I moved Maximus to the first slot in the hope that his Electric-Type attacks could paralyze it. I read the inscription at his feet, which said "A body of rock. A body of ice. A body of steel. When gathers the three Pokemon, the king shall appear." Regigigas suddenly shook and came alive, and then the battle started.

Maximus went out to fight it, and he started with Spark for massive damage with a critical hit, then Regigigas countered with Stomp for great damage. I had Maximus use Thunderbolt for great damage, bringing it to the yellow, then Regigigas used Confuse Ray to confuse Maximus. I decided to stop trying to attack it, for fear of knocking it out, and I started using Dusk Balls against it.

The first Dusk Ball did nothing to it, and the powerful golem escaped immediately. Another Dusk Ball was sent out, and then Zen Headbutt hit Maximus for great damage. Another ball, another escape, and them Regigias used Stomp for great damage, then "got it's act together," which I didn't understand.

I switched to Annabelle, then Regigigas used Stomp for great damage that cut her health in half. It escaped another Dusk Ball, then knocked out Annabelle with Stomp. I sent out Alexander, another Dusk Ball failed, and then he was hit with Zen Headbutt for massive damage, just barely clinging on. Alexander got knocked out after another failed attempt by Superpower, and I decided to try sending out Registeel against it.

Regigigas used Stomp for good damage against Registeel, then used Confuse Ray against it. Registeel's health was being chipped away quickly by the might of it's leader, and my Dusk Balls did little against it... Eventually Registeel was knocked out, and I sent out Regice against it. Unfortunately for me Regice went down immediately after just a couple Dusk Balls.

I sent out Regirock to stand against it, while I kept trying Dusk Balls. Finally it started to struggle with one, and I thought just maybe I had a chance. I decided to use my Revives to bring back the team, right before Regirock got knocked out, and I sent out Annabelle again. I used a couple Fresh Waters on Annabelle to heal her, then I tried another few Dusk Balls. I had Annabelle use Giga Drain, but she flinched from Stomp before she could try draining it to the red.

Regigigas was brought to the red, then it hit Annabelle to bring her to the red. I gave Annabelle a Hyper Potion to heal her up, and then used an X Defend to try keeping her in the fight. I was right on the money, as Annabelle's high defense combined with X Defend kept her going even through it's powerful attacks, and after several more Dusk Balls it was FINALLY caught!

I used an Escape Rope to get back to the entrance, then I went to the Pokemon Center to deposit the Legendary Golems again and get my team back together. Now that all that has been finished, I think I'll go check out the boat here at Snowpoint City that Simon was talking about before...

Current Team:

Maximus (Luxray, Electric, Lv. 59)
Annabelle (Torterra, Grass/Ground, Lv. 60)
Alexander (Machamp, Fighting, Lv. 59)
Marcus (Staraptor, Normal/Flying, Lv. 59)
Maria (Gastrodon, Water/Ground, Lv. 60)
Lucius (Rapidash, Fire, Lv. 59)

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