Sunday, March 23, 2014

Pokemon Pearl - Capturing Heatran

I went back to the old man I encountered at the Survival Area, and told him that the Magma Stone had been found. He was surprised that the legend was true, and then told me that if that was the case then the volcano's Pokemon may awaken and cause it to erupt!

I went over to Buck who was standing nearby, apparently the old man's grandson, and he said he would put the Magma Stone back. He realized that it was keeping the volcano under control, and told me he could put it back himself. He left for Stark Mountain, and I was close behind to make sure everything went smoothly.

I got to Stark Mountain, and decided to go and grab some items I couldn't get before with Buck at my side. I managed to get an Iron Ball, Nugget, Max Elixir, an Ultra Ball, and TM50 (Overheat). I also fought against several Trainers, though none of my team got any stronger. I got to the end of the cave and got to the third room again.

Buck was nowhere to be found, and all I saw standing there was Heatran, and he looked pissed. It didn't look to me like Buck had come back to return the stone at all, and I knew I'd have to knock out Heatran or more preferably catch it to stop it from setting off the volcano. I put Maria in first for the battle, then I went to the Pokemon ready to stop the destruction of the Battle Zone.

Heatran (Fire/Steel, Female, Lv. 70) was just 9 Levels above Maria, and I knew I'd have to be careful with my attacks or Heatran would go down easily. Heatran used Iron Head on Maria for good damage, and she flinched. Maria's Quick Claw let her attack first with Surf, and it did great damage, then Heatran used Scary Face to lower Maria's speed. Maria was able to use Surf again with Quick Claw, and Heatran was down to the red, and it missed it's Fire Spin. It was then I started with Dusk Balls.

Heatran was struggling to get out of the Dusk Balls, and Maria was the right Type-Combination to perfectly counter Heatran's attacks. I had her use Recover to heal up after she got to the yellow, then kept on with the Dusk Balls. Maria suffered some damage and used Recover again after a few attacks, but Heatran kept having to struggle to get out of the Pokeballs. Another few Pokeballs, some healing, more Pokeballs. Heatran wasn't making it easy, but usually it struggled at least once.

Finally Heatran landed something to cause a Burn on Maria, and I had to use a Burn Heal on her for a turn before keeping up with the Dusk Balls. After a while Maria was knocked out by one of Heatran's attacks combined with Burn. I switched over to Lucius who I figured could at least stand up to the Fire attacks for a while.

Lucius' Flash Fire ability kept him from being hurt by Fire-Type attacks from Heatran, and actually allowed it to gain boosted power with it's Fire attacks. I kept on trying to catch Heatran with Dusk Balls, and finally it gave up! I caught my last Legendary Pokemon in Pearl! I used an Escape Rope to get out of there, and then I grabbed a nearby Life Orb before I flew back to the Survival Area to heal my Pokemon.

Current Team:

Lucius (Rapidash, Fire, Lv. 60)
Annabelle (Torterra, Grass/Ground, Lv. 61)
Marcus (Strapator, Normal/Flying, Lv. 61)
Alexander (Machamp, Fighting, Lv. 61)
Maximus (Luxray, Electric, Lv. 61)
Maria (Gastrodon, Water/Ground, Lv. 61)

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