Sunday, March 23, 2014

Pokemon Pearl - The Resort Area, and my Final Battle against Simon

I went back to the old man's house at the Survival Area, but I didn't find Buck anywhere around. The old man was surprised to hear that a Pokemon like Heatran existed, and wondered if it had been created with the rest of Sinnoh. I decided to head to the Fight Area, and then go east to the last town in the Battle Zone, the Resort Area.

I surfed through the sea and managed to sneak through all the Trainers, and then I got to the Resort Area. I explored the area, not too much to see except for the large mansion of the Ribbon Syndicate, a place dedicated to Pokemon Coordinators. There wasn't even a shop there either. I could have went north to explore the path between the Resort Area and Stark Mountain, but I decided to just head back to the Fight Area.

I found Simon in front of the path to the Battle Tower, and I approached him. He told me I wasn't the only one who was getting tougher, and told me he would prove it to me in a battle. Simon and I started this journey all those months ago from watching that documentary about the Red Gyarados, and the battle we got into with our Starters defending ourselves from those Starly. Simon could be annoying at times with his rushing headlong into things, but at least he's got a good heart, and he means well.

I agreed to fight, and my final battle against Simon began. He sent out Staraptor, whose Intimidate cut Lucius' attack. I immediately switched out to Maximus, who got hit by U-Turn for good damage, then Snorlax was sent in. Maximus used Spark for great damage, and caused paralysis, then Snorlax countered with Crunch for good damage. I had Maximus use Thunderbolt for great damage, then Snorlax used Rest to heal up while sleeping. I gave Maximus a Fresh Water while Snorlax slept, then he hit it with Spark for great damage. Maximus used Spark again for great damage, bringing it to red, but then it countered with Body Slam after it woke up for massive damage, and it knocked out Maximus.

I sent out Alexander to fight, and a quick Rock Smash finished off Snorlax. Simon sent out Staraptor next, and I decided to go ahead and send out Marcus against it. Intimidate cut the attack of both Pokemon, and then Marcus flew high, avoiding Close Combat, then Marcus hit it with Fly for massive damage, before Staraptor used Steel Wing for good damage against Marcus. Marcus used Brave Bird against Staraptor to knock it out, and then we switched out Pokemon.

Floatzel was sent out by Simon, while I sent out Annabelle. Floatzel used Aqua Jet for good damage, then Annabelle countered with Wood Hammer to knock it out instantly with one powerful blow, and she was hit with recoil for great damage. Heracross was sent out next, and I sent out Lucius against it. Lucius was faster, and hit Heracross with Flare Blitz for massive damage, and he knocked it out in a single blow! Lucius also received great damage from recoil.

Roserade was sent out next, and I sent Maria out against it. Roserade used Poison Jab for minor damage, but it caused poison, then Maria countered with Earthquake for massive damage. Roserade used Giga Drain on Maria for massive damage, knocking her out and regaining most of the health it lost, then I switched out to Annabelle again. Roserade tried Giga Drain again, and it did great damage and recovery, then Annabelle countered with Earthquake for massive damage. Roserade used Poison Jab for good damage, but Annabelle clung on and hit Roserade with Cut to knock it out.

Finally, Simon sent out his starter, Infernape, and I decided to finish it with the Pokemon who won me the Championship, Marcus. Marcus' Intimidate cut Infernape's attack, then it used Flamethrower for great massive damage, and a burn, before Marcus flew high. Unfortunately while in the air, Marcus was affected by Burn and knocked out. I switched over to Alexander, Fighting-Type against Fighting-Type! Infernape used Shadow Claw for good damage, then Alexander countered with Revenge for massive damage, and it barely clung on. Infernape hit Alexander with Flamethrower for massive damage, but Alexander clung on and struck Infernape down with Cross Chop, winning the battle!

Simon was shocked, but told me it was okay. He told me that the tougher I get, the tougher he and his team can get too. He told me that there's no end to Pokemon. I left Simon feeling proud of my team, confident in my abilities as a Pokemon Trainer, and of my future as a Pokemon Master.

Current Team:

Lucius (Rapidash, Fire, Lv. 60)
Annabelle (Torterra, Grass/Ground, Lv. 61)
Marcus (Strapator, Normal/Flying, Lv. 61)
Alexander (Machamp, Fighting, Lv. 61)
Maximus (Luxray, Electric, Lv. 61)
Maria (Gastrodon, Water/Ground, Lv. 61)

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