Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Pokewalker

I did some experimenting and found that my Exp. Shares were actually SLOWING DOWN the training of my team, halving what the main Pokemon got and giving scraps to the rest. I took the Exp. Shares away from them and decided to just go about things the old-fashioned way. I thought I could get away with a poor-man's version of Exp. All, but I was wrong.

I went ahead and grabbed another Bellsprout (Grass/Poison, Male, Lv. 3) who I named Seth, and I plan on using him for my team. I went ahead and put the other Bellsprout into my Pokewalker, thinking he could do good for me. I had Bellsprout brought to the Pokewalker and traveling through the Noisy Forest.

From what I've come to understand of the Pokewalker, I can get rare items and Pokemon through it when I'm not playing SoulSilver. When I build up Watts through walking (20 steps = 1 Watt) I can use them to search for Pokemon, OR for items. I decided after a bit of walking around to test out the Poke' Radar first, and I found an Oddish who managed to flee, though fortunately I already have one chilling out in Sinnoh. I tried the Dowsing Machine afterward and got an Energy Powder for my trouble.

I tried again with the Dowsing Machine a couple times but missed items, then I tried out the Poke' Radar again and found a Venonat who managed to bring Bellsprout down to one hit and then escaped a Pokeball and fled. I tried a couple more times with the Poke' Radar and was finally successful in catching a Venonat!

I found the Pokewalker to be quite interesting to use, a mix between a pedometer and a virtual pet, though without the constant attention the latter normally requires. I felt happy to have a way to catch uncommon Pokemon early and without having to bring my 3DS everywhere. It was especially nice to start on SoulSilver and the Pokewalker right before starting my official duties at my new job. It's only a few days a week but those days are focused almost entirely on work, or sleep. So I'll be able to make some kind of progress on breaks and lunches at least!

Current Team:

Lucas (Pidgey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 7)
Samuel (Chimchar, Fire, Lv. 9)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 10)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 3)

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