Friday, March 14, 2014

Pokemon Pearl - The quest for Cresselia

I heard of some trouble happening in Canalave City, so I flew over there. I talked with a few people around the city until I found myself at the home of Sailor Eldritch, the man who brought me to Iron Island.

I went inside and found his wife standing watch over their son who was laying in bed. I looked over him and noticed him thrashing about in his sleep. He was obviously being tormented by something, and muttered "Dar... Dark... is watching... me..." I talked with the mother, who explained that such things had happened before in Canalave City, where people never woke up from their nightmares.

I talked to Sailor Eldritch and he told me he lost his love of sailing since his son fell into his horrible nightmare. He told me that he needed the Lunar Wing from Fullmoon Island to awaken his son and I agreed to help get it. We immediately set sail for Fullmoon Island on a quest to save his son.

When we got to Fullmoon Island, I headed north, then east on a small path before finding an opening into the woods. I went into a small clearing in the forest and Cresselia resting at the center of it. I went up to it and then it flew up and disappeared. Fortunately for me, I spotted a Lunar Wing it left behind, and grabbed it before heading back to the Sailor to return to Canalave City.

I went back into the Eldritch home and went up to the boy, and the Lunar Wing began to glow. Almost immediately I saw how the boy's face became untroubled, and he stopped thrashing about, and then he woke up! It was then that Sailor Eldritch came in to find his son awake and well. He thanked me for saving his son, then told me that getting his son back has regained his spirit as a sailor. I was told to come sail with him later.

I took Sailor Eldritch up on his offer, and went to Iron Island to check out that empty house before. I found it to be occupied by Byron, of the Elite Four! He told me that his son trains as hard as I do, but he still treats him like a child. He realized how ridiculous that was, what with him being a proper Gym Leader and all, and realized how tricky it is between a father and son. He also realized he had wasted my time, and gave me a Metal Coat as an apology. Byron told me how some Pokemon evolve into the Steel-Type using the metal coat, and how they need to hold it while training.

I left Iron Island and got back to Canalave City, then I flew over to Eterna City and went east to Route 211 to search for Cresselia who was roaming around the region. After a short while of looking, I finally came across Cresselia (Psychic, Female, Lv. 50) and decided now was the time to use my Master Ball. I tossed the Master Ball at her and bam, caught it immediately.

With a new Legendary Pokemon under my belt, I decided to call it a day. I flew back home, took a shower, and rested up, knowing I still had a lot more to do.

Current Team:

Lucius (Rapidash, Fire, Lv. 59)
Maria (Gastrodon, Water/Ground, Lv. 60)
Marcus (Staraptor, Normal/Flying, Lv. 59)
Annabelle (Torterra, Grass/Ground, Lv. 60)
Alexander (Machamp, Fighting, Lv. 59)
Maximus (Luxray, Electric, Lv. 59)

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