Monday, March 24, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - A New Adventure in New Bark Town

I started out in my room, and I looked around a bit. I saw a bed, TV, Wii, a tree in the corner, and a desk with computer and chair. I decided to check out the PC for information. I found I had mail from someone named Lyra, which read "Adventure! Excited! I love Pokemon!" and it had a picture of a Marill on it. I turned off the program and went downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I was greeted by Mom. She told me that my friend Lyra was just here, and that she had been playing hide-and-seek with her Marill. She then remembered that Professor Elm was looking for me, and she was told he had a favor to ask of me. She reminded me that his lab was right next door to us, and then gave me a bag and my Trainer Card, and unlocked abilities on the menu including Save and Options.

I left my house on a windy day, and was bumped into by Marill. Suddenly the next door neighbor came down her stairs and called to the Pokemon, and it perked up and ran over to her before they both left. I assumed that must be Lyra, and her Marill. I looked around a bit and found a sign, I found out I was in New Bark Town, "Winds of a New Beginning" as the sign said. Each house had a windmill to get power from the strong winds blowing through the area.

I looked around a bit, and realized the house Lyra left from must be Professor Elm's place. I went up and saw a red-headed kid at the side of the house, watching through a window. I confronted him, and he asked what I was staring at. He then pushed me out of the way and shoved me aside, then went back to staring into the window. He was quite suspicious, but I had no way of doing anything against him at that time, so I just went into Professor Elm's home/lab.

I went inside, into the lab, and was greeted by Professor Elm. He told me he had been waiting for me, and asked if I knew anything about his research. Of course I knew the general basis of his research, being about Pokemon, but what HE did exactly, I did not. He told me, as I knew, how Pokemon were carried in Pokeballs, but that before they were invented, people used to walk with Pokemon, just like Lyra does with Marill. He told me how Pokeballs were great because you can carry many Pokemon, but that walking with them must have some advantages.

Professor Elm wondered if walking with them might have something to do with how Pokemon grow or evolve, and told me that was why he would give me a Pokemon. He asked that I walk beside this Pokemon, outside of it's Pokeball, to see if it brings any special feelings or bonds between Pokemon and people. He then directed me to a device that held Pokemon for me to choose from.

Suddenly, we heard a sound, and he told me that he got an e-mail. Elm went to his PC, and read the message, before turning back to me. He explained that he had an acquaintance that people call Mr. Pokemon, and he told me that this man kept finding weird things and raving about his discoveries. Professor Elm told me that he just got an e-mail from him saying that this time it's real, and he assumed it was probably another Pokemon Egg, but that the lab was so busy with their research... It was then that Elm asked me to go in their place, and find out what was going on. I agreed, assuming I could get my Pokemon soon!

Professor Elm remembered, and reminded me to choose a Pokemon from the device nearby. I looked, and within lay Chikorita (Grass-Type), Cyndaquil (Fire-Type), and Totodile (Water-Type). I decided to grab Totodile (Water, Male, Lv. 5) and I named him Blake. I walked back over to Professor Elm with Blake right behind me, and he asked how I liked walking with my Pokemon. It was certainly a unique feeling, being followed by my Pokemon, but I liked it. He told me I could take Blake all the way to Mr. Pokemon's house. He told me that if he got hurt, I should take him to this Pokemon Center healer he had in the corner.

Professor Elm told me that Mr. Pokemon goes everywhere to find rarities, and that his house was past Cherrygrove City. I was instructed to go north just past Cherrygrove to find Mr. Pokemon's house. He told me he was counting on me, and then I saved. I looked to Blake, wondering what he thought of the situation, but he only stared intently at my face. With my progress saved, and a good start behind me, I left for Mr. Pokemon's house. Before I could leave, one of the researchers stopped me, and gave me some Potions to help me on my task. He told me not to hesitate to use a Potion if I thought my Pokemon was in danger.

With my new Pokemon companion following behind me and some Potions in my bag, I left for Mr. Pokemon's house. When I got outside, I was met by Lyra and her Marill. She told me how cute Blake was, and that by walking with him he would become more friendly. She also told me I should talk to him sometimes too, then realized I should go show him off to Mom, and then she and Marill left.

I went back home to show Mom my new Pokemon, Blake, and she agreed that he was cute. She realized that Professor Elm must have given him to me, and I explained that Elm had a task for me to do, that I had to go to Mr. Pokemon's house. She was concerned for my safety, but realized for Elm to make such a request of me means it must be important. Then Mom remembered that my Pokegear came back from the repair shop, and the option appeared below.

Mom explained the Pokegear, telling me it's what every Trainer should have. She explained that I could use the Pokegear to make a phone call too, and explained how to do so. Names were registered on the telephone function, all I had to do was press a name and make a call. It was simple enough, and I wondered if I could find Apps for it like my old Poketch could. I bid my mother farewell, and then left with Blake for Mr. Pokemon's house.

I started heading west, then was stopped by Professor Elm, who forgot to give me his number to call him on the Pokegear. He told me to call him if anything came up, and then he left, and I continued on my way. I found myself on Route 29, heading toward Cherrygrove City, and through a lot of tall grass. Soon enough I had my first battle against a wild Pokemon.

I came across a Pidgey, and I sent out Blake to Scratch it for good damage, and then it missed it's attack. I had Blake press on with another Scratch for good damage, then it hit Blake with Tackle for good damage. Blake used Scratch again and knocked it out, and gained quite a bit of experience. I kept going, knowing that with so much tall grass I would be in at least a few more battles.

I met up with one Trainer along the route who was waiting to get daytime Pokemon, and I managed to get through about halfway before finding myself in another battle against a Sentret. Blake used Scratch on Sentret for great damage, then it scratched back for good damage. Blake hit it with Scratch for good damage, then it used Foresight, and then Blake knocked it out with a final Scratch, and he grew to Level 6 and learned Water Gun.

I healed Blake with a Potion, and I checked on him, and he seemed quite happy. I took that as a good sign and continued west, where we quickly came up to Cherrygrove City. When I first stepped foot inside Cherrygrove, I was approached by an old man who realized I was a rookie Trainer. He told me he could teach me a few things, and I followed him as he showed me the Pokemon Center, the Poke' Mart, and Route 30 where I would find Mr. Pokemon's house. He also went to the west of the city and showed me the sea, telling me how some Pokemon could only be found in water. As he kept running off, and I followed, he commended my effort in keeping up with him by giving me his Running Shoes, which were brand new.

After the old man went into his house, I decided to check out the Pokemon Center, and found it to be very different from the ones I was used to in the Sinnoh Region. The Pokemon Center had two different staircases going up to an area just above the counter for trading and battling, and one staircase leading down to an underground area that was still closed to the public. I looked to the Poke' Mart, and inside it was pretty much the same, but outside it had a spinning sign to make itself even more visible.

I was just about to start north on Route 30 and suddenly had the old man running to catch up with me. He told me he had another token from him, and he gave me something called a Map Card for my Pokegear, which apparently is it's equivalent of Apps for Poketch. Thanks to him I could see the Town Map on my Pokegear. He told me that Pokegear becomes more useful as you add Cards, and I knew I would have to look far and wide for all of them. He wished me luck on my journey and then went back home.

I went through tall grass, fighting Pokemon like Weedle, Kakuna, and Ledyba, and Blake grew to Level 8 and learned Rage. I healed him with a Potion when I got to a house I thought was Mr. Pokemon's house, but it belonged to someone else. I should have known, because it's more quaint and normal than what I would assume would be the home of someone who names themselves Mr. Pokemon... He was happy to get a visit though, and told me of Apricorn Trees like I had passed by and seen in front of his house. He gave me an Apricorn Box, with which I could carry many Apricorns, and I knew I'd have to find out about them soon.

I shook the Apricorn Tree in front of the gentleman's house, and found a Grn Apricorn. I placed it in my box, wondering what exactly I would use it for. I kept on going north, getting into a few more fights with Blake, and he grew to Level 9. I found Mr. Pokemon's house, a bit more quaint than I had expected earlier, and I grabbed a Pnk Apricorn from a nearby tree before I went inside.

I went inside, and I saw who I assumed was Mr. Pokemon talking with Professor Oak. He did indeed introduce himself as Mr. Pokemon, and led me further into his home before he grabbed something from a nearby display case. He gave me a Mystery Egg, and told me he wanted Professor Elm to investigate it. He told me a friend of his from Ecruteak gave it to him, and he bet that I couldn't find that kind of egg in Johto. He figured that Professor Elm might be able to tell what was inside there, having heard that he was the best when it comes to evolution research directly from Professor Oak.

Mr. Pokemon was kind enough to let Blake and I rest and heal up, and then Professor Oak approached me, and introduced himself, though I of course knew him from Sinnoh. He explained that he was just visiting his friend, and heard that I was running an errand for Elm, so he waited for me. Oak was amazed at my rare Pokemon, Blake, as he stood before me, and realized I was helping Elm's research. He knew I would treat my Pokemon well, and then asked me to help him out. Oak explained the workings of the Pokedex, of which he held the latest version, and he gave it to me, telling me to go out there and complete the Pokedex. Soon after, he left to get to Goldenrod for his radio show, but believed we would meet again and gave me his number.

When I left, I got a call from Professor Elm, and he was very shaken up. He told me it was a disaster, that it's just terrible, wondering what he should do. He told me to get back there right away, and I knew something had gone very wrong.

I ran as quickly as I could back to New Bark Town, and got to the edge of Cherrygrove City to Route 29 when I spotted the red-headed kid who I saw at Professor Elm's house earlier. He knew I got a Pokemon at the lab, telling me it was a waste. He said this Pokemon was too good for a wimp like me, asking if I knew what he meant. He said he would show me what he meant with his good Pokemon. Wimp, he said... I am Champion of the Hoenn and Sinnoh Leagues, and I am not one to be trifled with!

The boy sent out Chikorita, and I sent out Blake. Blake used Rage for great damage, then Chikorita used Growl to lower his attack. Blake used Scratch for good damage, and Chikorita used Growl again, and the boy commented on how well I was doing for someone so weak. Blake gave it another scratch and it just clung on, but it missed it's own Tackle. Blake used Rage again, and knocked out Chikorita and won the battle.

After the battle, I wanted to know who he was, so he showed me his Trainer Card and told me he would be the world's greatest Pokemon Trainer. He had the same goal Simon had, a goal that is far more quaint than my goal of being a Pokemon Master! He shoved me aside and started going into Cherrygrove, then stopped and went back, telling me to give back his Trainer Card where I saw his name, and then he left.

I went straight back to New Bark Town, and into Professor Elm's lab. There I encountered a Police Officer talking with Elm, and he told me they were investigating the case of the missing Pokemon. He quoted a rule stating that the perpetrator will always return to the scene of the crime, so he thought I was the one who did it. Lyra came up right after and told the officer that I had nothing to do with it, and she explained how she had seen the red-haired boy looking into the building, like I had too.

I explained that I had battled a boy like that, and he asked if I had happened to get his name. I told the officer his name was Aiden, and the officer thanked me before he left to search for the boy. Lyra was glad that they understood I was innocent, then she left.

I talked to Professor Elm, and he was very upset. He remembered my trip to Mr. Pokemon's house, and asked what it was that he had found. I handed over the Mystery Egg, and he said that while it may be something he's never seen, it's still just an Egg. He told me how Mr. Pokemon is always fascinated by them, and told me that they may as well find out what secret it holds. He told me they would keep it for a while at the lab to find out about it.

I told Professor Elm about meeting Professor Oak, and how he gave me a Pokedex, and he was shocked and impressed. He told me how Professor Oak is superb at seeing the potential of people as Trainers. He said how things were going to be fun, and told me that since Blake liked me so much, I should take the Pokemon Gym challenge. I agreed, now that I've got my Pokedex I can explore the whole region and catch all the Pokemon I can. He told me to talk to Mom before I left for my adventure.

Mom was understanding about me going on an adventure, and wondered what she could do to help. Then she decided that every time I'd receive prize money, she would save some of it for me. I told her I was just fine with her holding onto some, especially if I could find a place like the Seven Stars Hotel somewhere around this region. Mom wished me luck, and told me that my Pokemon and I could accomplish anything we wanted.

With a good start under my belt and Blake at my side, I decided this was a good place to stop for now. Things are going well, and I feel a certain exhilaration at starting fresh like this. I loved my previous two teams, but there's a certain satisfaction in training weak Pokemon to become strong.

Current Team:

Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 9)

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