Sunday, March 30, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Sprout Tower

During my time with the Pokewalker, I caught a Kangaskhan (Normal, Female, Lv. 8), 3 Paras (Bug/Grass, Female, Lv. 6), 3 Hoothoot (Normal/Flying, Female, Lv. 6 and Lv. 7), a Magby (Fire, Male, Lv. 9), an Elekid (Electric, Male, Lv. 11), a Staryu (Water, Lv. 10), and 2 Slowpoke (Water/Psychic, Male, Lv. 8). I also found a Star Piece, 2 Energy Powder, 1 Ice Heal, 2 Full Heals, 2 Revives, 1 PP Up, 2 Rawst Berries, 2 X Accuracy, and 1 X Special Defense. The Bellsprout who walked with me all that time also grew to Level 9.

With Operation: Rapid Training failed, I had to go on and just keep up with normal training. I went back to Route 31 and fought hard, and Seth and Lucas grew to Level 9, while Samuel grew to Level 10. After healing my team again at the end of the training, I decided to do more training at Sprout Tower.

I went inside the tower, and at the center of the room on the bottom floor, there was a large wooden pillar that was slowly swaying side to side. The people inside said that the pillar was what remained of a 100-foot-tall Bellsprout, and that it swayed because of all the ferocious battles being waged in the higher floors. I heard from one of the monks around the pillar that whomever reaches the top of the tower would receive a great Move. I knew I had to get it for myself!

I went up to the second floor, and encountered a Sage who wanted to battle. I sent out Seth, and he sent out a Bellsprout. I switched over to Lucas, and Bellsprout used Vine Whip for minor damage, then Lucas used Gust to knock it out, and he grew to Level 10. Another Bellsprout was sent out, and Lucas used Gust to knock it out too. The Sage sent out his last Bellsprout, and I switched out to Samuel, who used Ember to knock it out and win the battle.

I went past the Sage and fought a Rattata with Seth, who won the battle easily, then I went to the first floor again down the next ladder. I grabbed a Paralyze Heal, then went around and found myself against another Monk. The Monk had a few Bellsprout and I beat the first couple easily with Samuel, who grew to Level 11. I beat the third Bellsprout fairly easily with Samuel too, but he refused to listen to my commands most of the time. I decided that if I was going to continue further, I needed to get my first Gym Badge!

I went to the Violet Gym, and talked to the man at the seemingly empty Gym. I was surprised to find out from the sign outside that this first Gym was focused on Flying-Type Pokemon, and I had never seen such a thing before in the past two regions. I was informed that I needed to do more training at Sprout Tower if I was going to be allowed to fight the Violet Gym. I felt concerned then; how could I get through the rest of Sprout Tower, let alone against the Violet Gym, if my Pokemon suddenly started to refuse my orders? I had not encountered this problem before, and I wondered if perhaps it was just because Samuel was a traded Pokemon?

I went around in Sprout Tower and got to the second floor again, and I grabbed an X Accuracy before I encountered another Sage. The Sage sent out Bellsprout, and I sent out Blake. Blake used Scratch for massive damage, then Bellsprout countered with Vine Whip for good damage. Blake used Scratch to knock it out, then another Bellsprout was sent out. I kept Blake in the fight, and he used Scratch for massive damage, then Bellsprout countered with Vine Whip. Another Scratch from Blake knocked it out, and a third Bellsprout was sent out. Blake knocked it out easily with a critical Scratch, and he grew to Level 11 and won the battle.

I got to the top of Sprout Tower, and found a few Sages waiting for me. I fought the first one easily with Lucas, and he grew to Level 11. I fought against the next Sage, and his Bellsprout went down easily against Lucas too. So far so good, Lucas was Level 11 and still fighting under my commands, hopefully he'd continue to do so. I fought against yet another Sage, his Bellsprout went down easily against Lucas, who grew to Level 12, then Hoothoot was sent out and Lucas beat it too.

I went past the Sage and saw Aiden standing before the Elder Sage. The Elder was talking with him, telling him that what he showed the old monk was good, and then handed over a TM to the punk. He told Aiden that he should care more about his Pokemon, and that the way he treats his Pokemon can be too harsh. The Elder Monk told Aiden that Pokemon are not tools of war, and Aiden simply turned away. He saw me, and told me that for someone calling themselves Elder, he was no match, and that those who lecture how you should be nice to Pokemon cannot defeat him. Aiden told me how he only cared about strong Pokemon that win, and that the rest of them don't mean anything to him.

Aiden left using an Escape Rope, and I grabbed a nearby Escape Rope before I talked with the Elder Sage. The Elder greeted me, and he told me that Sprout Tower was a place where "people and Pokemon test their bonds to build a bright future together." He then told me he was the final test, and that he wanted to check the ties between my Pokemon and I.

Elder Li sent out Bellsprout, and I sent out Lucas. Lucas used Gust for massive damage, and then it countered with Vine Whip for good damage. Lucas used Tackle to knock it out, and then Hoothoot was sent out while I sent out Blake to fight it. Blake used Scratch for good damage, and Hoothoot missed it's attack. Next, Blake used Water Gun for great damage, then Hoothoot used Hypnosis to put Blake to sleep. Blake was asleep, and stayed asleep when he got hit by Peck several times, the minor damage of each hit adding up.

I switched to Samuel, and he got hit by Peck for good damage. Samuel refused to follow orders, and was hit by Peck again. Samuel used Scratch for great damage, and then was put to sleep by Hypnosis. Samuel was fast asleep, and got hit by Peck a few times for great damage. I switched to Seth, and he got hit by Peck for great damage, then Hoothoot used Hypnosis again, and Seth was asleep. I switched to Lucas, who got hit by Peck for good damage. Lucas used Tackle and finally knocked out Hoothoot.

Bellsprout was the last Pokemon that Elder Li had, and I kept Lucas in the fight. Lucas used Gust for massive damage, then it used Growth to increase it's special attack. Lucas used Gust for great damage, and knocked out Bellsprout to grow to Level 13 and learn Quick Attack, and finally the battle was won.

Elder Li told me that the way I battle is quite elegant, and that I should be able to stand up to Falkner. He gave me TM 70 (Flash) and told me about the ability of Flash to light up caves. I used the Escape Rope I got from this floor, and I went to the Pokemon Center to heal my team. Now that I've gotten Elder Li's blessing, I'm going for that Badge!

Current Team:

Lucas (Pidgey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 13)
Samuel (Chimchar, Fire, Lv. 11)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 9)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 11)

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