Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pokemon Pearl - Onward to the Battle Zone!

I went to the southern area of Snowpoint City and talked to the Sailor there, and told him I wanted to set sail for the Battle Zone. Finally, I was ready to meet up once more with Simon!

When I got there, Simon met me at the docks, wondering what took me so long, and told me he would fine me $100 million. He then told me he would become the greatest Trainer ever, to which I wondered if he didn't have the skill and drive to become a Pokemon Master. Simon told me he was there to toughen up himself and his Pokemon, then a man came up from behind him.

The man laughed, and apologized for that, telling us he couldn't help but overhear. He said that becoming the greatest Trainer ever would be really tough, because we were talking about him! He said he would prove it by going to the volcano right then and there. When we looked at him with confusion, he realized we didn't know what he was talking about.

The Trainer told us that this was the Battle Zone, and at the far end was a volcano. Inside the volcano, there was supposed to be a treasure, to which Simon replied "So? What's the big deal?" Simon asked if finding the treasure first would make him the greatest Trainer ever, then told me and the Trainer that he would do just that. Before that though, he told me he would go to the Battle Tower, then he ran off, as per usual with Simon.

The Trainer commented on Simon's usual habit of running around everywhere, then introduced himself as Buck, telling me that Simon couldn't beat him. Buck asked if I knew Simon, to which I responded yes, and then he told me I should go after Simon and tell him not to underestimate the volcano. Buck also told me that I should shape up at the Battle Tower as well, that he didn't like my chances of getting to the volcano otherwise. Buck left, and I decided to go to the Battle Tower after Simon.

I did some exploring before I left the docks, receiving from citizens there a Super Rod and a Scope Lens. After I pocketed the two items, I went north to the Battle Park. I was greeted by a few receptionists manning the path to it, and one gave me a Point Card for my first time there. The receptionist explained to me that those cards are used only in the Battle Park, and was told to talk to the receptionist next to her if I had any information. I talked to the other receptionist, and was told that the Point Card confirmed my status as a challenger and also was used to store Battle Points, or BP, that I can use to get items.

I talked to another receptionist who explained the rules of the Battle Park and Battle Tower; My Pokemon could only be Level 50, had to be different species with some being banned (Legendaries), and all Pokemon had to use different hold items. It seemed simple enough, and made it sound like it was a lot more about being skilled at battling than it is about being overpowered. After getting a grasp of the rules, I went in.

I came to the building that held both BP shops, and was immediately tackled from behind by some man with wild blonde hair. He looked around, confused, then apologized, explaining he was in a rush. A second later, he realized who I was, saying it brought back memories, which I didn't understand because I never met him before... The stranger mentioned that if I'm there, then "he" can't be far behind, meaning Simon. He commented on how fun it should be, then he headed into the tower.

Just a second after the stranger entered the Battle Tower, Simon went and tackled me from behind just as the stranger had. Simon realized who he had bumped into, and told me he wanted to see how he measured up before going to Stark Mountain. Simon commented about the stranger I talked with, but then shrugged it off, telling me how he got here on his own power, and that he would meet with the stranger soon enough. Simon headed inside right after, and I decided to follow.

I talked to a few people who were in the lobby of the Battle Tower, and one asked me about my feelings at various points of a match, from starting a battle, to becoming number 1, and I answered his questions as truthfully as I could. I talked to other people around the lobby, and they all seemed very excited to be there, and extremely confident about their Pokemon. I admit I felt very confident about my team, especially after having gone through the Sinnoh League with them, but I decided I didn't want to go through more battles unless necessary.

I've got the opportunity to explore this new island with my Pokemon, and I'd rather spend my time seeing the sights than fighting a bunch of Trainers. I may come back to the Battle Tower to fight, but right now I want to see what there is to see.

Current Team:

Maximus (Luxray, Electric, Lv. 59)
Annabelle (Torterra, Grass/Ground, Lv. 60)
Alexander (Machamp, Fighting, Lv. 59)
Marcus (Staraptor, Normal/Flying, Lv. 59)
Maria (Gastrodon, Water/Ground, Lv. 60)
Lucius (Rapidash, Fire, Lv. 59)

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