Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Onward to Violet City

I said goodbye to Mom, then I left New Bark Town for Cherrygrove City again. Just after I left the town, I met up with Lyra. She gave me an introduction to catching Pokemon with Pokeballs (as if I really needed an explanation, but so it goes every time I start a new adventure) and then gave me 5 to start with. I took the time to catch a few Pokemon, including a Sentret (Normal, Female, Lv. 4), a Pidgey (Normal/Flying, Male, Lv. 2) I named Lucas, and a Rattata (Normal, Female, Lv. 2). With several new Pokemon caught, I headed off to Cherrygrove City.

When I got to Cherrygrove City, I went to the Pokemon Center to heal my team, as well as to put through a plan I had before starting my journey here. I received Samuel (Chimchar, Fire, Lv. 5) from Sinnoh as well as my 4 Exp. Shares AND a Rare Bone, and sent my Rattata over there to relax with the rest of my Pokemon there until I can bring them forward later on. My plan is to be able to use those 4 devices along with the 5th I know I'll find here, and be able to train my team quickly through this league and beyond.

After I sold the Rare Bone for $5000, I grabbed some more Pokeballs, Antidotes, and a Potion before I went north to do some training and get to Violet City. I quickly caught a Ledyba (Bug/Flying, Female, Lv. 5) and put it into the PC, and while at the Pokemon Center I also handed out my Exp. Shares to my 3 Pokemon. I went back to Route 30 and caught a Weedle (Bug/Poison, Female, Lv. 4) while doing training with Samuel. I fought against several wild Pokemon, and Samuel grew to Level 7, though the others weren't getting much experience from the Exp. Shares they held.

I went forward and came across a Trainer, Youngster Joey, and he wanted to win after his loss. I sent out Lucas, who was badly injured from training, against his Rattata. Instead of using a potion, I switched to Samuel, who got hit by Quick Attack for good damage. Samuel used Ember for great damage, then Rattata countered with Tail Whip. Rattata used Quick Attack for good damage, then Samuel used Scratch to knock it out and win the battle, and Lucas grew to Level 3. After the battle, I decided to give Joey my number for his Pokegear.

I went back to heal my Pokemon, and deposit Weedle, then continued further north. I did more training, and Samuel grew to Level 8 while Lucas grew to Level 4, and then I got into a battle with another Trainer. He sent out Pidgey, and I sent out Lucas. Lucas used Tackle for good damage, then it attacked with Tackle for good damage. Lucas Tackled again for great damage, then Pidgey countered for good damage. I switched to Samuel, who got hit by Tackle, then he used Scratch to knock it out. Next he sent out Rattata, and I kept Samuel out to fight. Samuel used scratch for great damage, and was Tackled for good damage. Samuel used another Scratch and knocked it out, winning the battle.

I used a Potion to heal Lucas and kept going north. Soon I came across another Trainer, a Bug Keeper named Don, and he sent out Caterpie while I sent out Lucas against it. Lucas used Tackle for massive damage in a critical hit, then Caterpie countered with Tackle for good damage. Lucas used Tackle again and knocked out Caterpie, and he grew to Level 5 and learned Sand-Attack. Another Caterpie was sent out, and I kept Lucas in the fight. Lucas used Sand-Attack, and Caterpie missed it's Tackle. Lucas hit it with Tackle for great damage, and then avoided it's String Shot. Lucas Tackled again for great damage, and avoided another String Shot, then a final Tackle knocked it out and won the battle.

Soon I found myself on Route 31, continuing north and doing more training. I fought against a wild Ledyba and Lucas grew to Level 6, while Exp. Share let Blake grow to Level 10. I grabbed a Potion from the nearby Dark Cave, a pitch-black cavern that needed to be lit up by a Pokemon to explore. I headed west and snagged a Blk Apricorn next to a tired Trainer, then I found myself against another Bug Catcher, named Wade.

Wade sent out Caterpie and I sent out Lucas. Lucas used Sand Attack to lower it's accuracy, then avoided it's String Shot. Lucas used Tackle for massive damage, then got hit by String Shot. Lucas used another Tackle and knocked it out. Another Caterpie was sent out, and I kept going with Lucas. Lucas used Tackle for massive damage, and got hit by Tackle for good damage. Lucas used Tackle again to knock out Caterpie, and then Wade sent out Weedle. Weedle used String Shot to lower Lucas' speed, then Lucas used Tackle for massive damage. Weedle got off another String Shot to lower Lucas' speed further, but he countered with Tackle to knock it out. Lucas grew to Level 7, and Samuel grew to Level 9 and learned Taunt. Another Caterpie was sent out, and a couple Tackles knocked it out and won the battle.

I gave Wade my number, and grabbed a nearby Pokeball, then I kept heading west. I spotted a Bellsprout (Grass/Poison, Male, Lv. 3) and caught it before I managed to get to Violet City. While I was in the building between Route 31 and Violet City, Lyra came up from behind. She wondered how I managed to get past her, then gave me a Vs. Recorder which apparently allows me to record my battles. She left into Violet City, and I followed behind her.

The first thing I did when I got there was to heal my Pokemon. While at the Pokemon Center (which was a darker color than others) I encountered several people who were asking questions, one about my thoughts on some show, and another about which kind of Trainer I liked, neither of which I answered.

I encountered a few unique places in Violet City, including the Pokemon School, Sprout Tower, and a Pokemon Gym! I checked out the Poke' Mart first to get some supplies, then I encountered a large man who asked if I had fought and beaten the Gym Leader. When I told him no, he brought me over to the Pokemon School and introduced himself as a teacher there. I talked to some students and the teacher, and was told all I had known previously.

I decided to take it easy for a while, and when I'm rested up I'll go ahead and check out Sprout Tower. I'm sure I can get plenty of training there before I fight the Gym Leader, and I may need it.

Current Team:

Lucas (Pidgey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 7)
Samuel (Chimchar, Fire, Lv. 9)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 10)

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