Saturday, March 8, 2014

Pokemon Pearl - Back to Victory Road

It took far too long, but finally I have finished bringing all my Pokemon from Sapphire over to Pearl. I'm glad to have finally gotten all my Pokemon brought over, especially my old team. When I got my Pokemon brought from Sapphire, I did a bit of TM-teaching and evolving, turning my Pikachu into Raichu and Vulpix into Ninetails, because both were past Level 20 and I thought it was a good point for them to evolve.

After I finished with my old Pokemon, I flew over to the Pokemon League and then went south back to Victory Road. Now that I was Champion of the Sinnoh Region, I was determined to find out what was in that part of the cave at the end. I went to the entrance and the man was gone, so I went inside.

I found myself in another large part of the cave, just before some stairs, and I went down the stairs, up a path, and down some more stairs. I went through another opening and went into a foggy room, and found myself just short of another Trainer. I went up to her, and she introduced herself as Marley. She asked me to help her get through the tunnel, and I agreed to help her out. It had been a while since I've partnered up with anyone, so it was refreshing after so many battles alone.

Marley and I fought against a pair of wild Pokemon, and we came out victorious even with the fog making it very hard to land blows. Maximus grew to Level 58 and we continued on. We went north, I pushed a boulder over, and then we beat another pair of wild Pokemon before heading further north. The fog was definitely proving a problem, but I refused to use such a limited move as Defog on my Pokemon for something like this!

We encountered a pair of Ace Trainers, and got into a Double Battle. They sent out Bibarel and Pachirisu, and I sent out Annabelle while Marley sent out Arcanine. Arcanine used Helping Hand to boost Annabelle, then Pachirisu missed with Super Fang, and then Annabelle hit Bibarel with Wood Hammer to knock it out. Rapidash was sent out next, and Arcanine used Helping Hand to boost Annabelle before getting hit by Super Fang from Pachirisu, then Rapidash used Growl on both Pokemon before Annabelle Cut Pachirisu for great damage. Arcanine used another Helping Hand, which was rather useless, then Pachirisu used Sweet Kiss on Arcanine to confuse it, before Rapidash used Fire Blast against Annabelle for massive damage, and Annabelle's Giga Drain missed.

I switched out to Maria, and Arcanine hurt itself in it's confusion before Pachirisu missed with Charm, then Rapidash sprang up for a Bounce Attack. Arcanine hurt itself in it's confusion again, then Pachirisu missed Charm again, and then Rapidash used Bounce on Maria for good damage before she hit Pachirisu with Waterfall for massive damage to knock it out. Azumarill was sent out again, and Rapidash used Quick Attack on Arcanine for minor damage, before it used Agility to increase it's speed, and then Maria used Waterfall against Rapidash to knock it out before Azumarill used Double Edge for great damage against Arcanine.

Beautifly was sent out next, and I wondered how much longer this battle would last if Marley refused to have her Arcanine do anything offensively. Arcanine shook off confusion and used Helping Hand, then Maria used Waterfall against Beautifly for massive damage to knock it out in a single blow, before Azumarill used Double Edge against Maria for minor damage. I switched Maria out for Maximus, then Arcanine used Helping Hand, and then Azumarill used Aqua Tail against Maximus for good damage. Arcanine used Agility to increase it's speed, then Maximus hit Azumarill with Spark to knock it out. Blissey was the last one sent out, and Arcanine used Helping Hand before Maximus used Spark again and knocked it out in one blow to win the battle!

Marley and I continued north, fought off a pair of wild Pokemon, and Annabelle grew to Level 59 before we went down some stairs. I messed up a boulder puzzle, got into another couple wild Pokemon battles, and went east down some stairs. We found ourselves in a rock maze, trying to get through it with all the fog in the way. We got into another wild Pokemon Battle, and kept on through the maze.

We got through the maze, with several battles bringing Maximus and Maria up to Level 59, then I went north a ways before coming to a fork in the path, one east and one up stairs north, with both getting to Trainers. I decided to go north, and so we encountered another pair of Ace Trainers. I sent out Marcus with Marley's Arcanine against them, and after a long battle we came out victorious with Marcus having grown to Level 59.

We came across a boulder I could only move to block the way, so we turned around and went to the east and fought against a couple pairs of wild Pokemon. We came across a pair of Trainers and beat them after another long battle, and then went down some stairs into more of the rock maze. We fought another pair of wild Pokemon, and Alexander grew to Level 59, then we went down some stairs to the east.

We came across another pair of Trainers and fought through them, and Lucius grew to Level 59 while Maria grew to Level 60 upon victory. Marley and I kept going east, fighting a pair of wild Pokemon, and then we went north up some stairs.

Marley stopped me, telling me this was the place. She said there was a stone tablet ahead, and that she wanted to see the Pokemon that visits it. Marley told me she appreciated me escorting her, and then she left. I went after her out the cave, but not before I got into a battle with another wild Pokemon before the long set of stairs leading out of Victory Road, and Annabelle grew to Level 60.

I found myself on Route 224, a northern route with fields of tall grass and plenty of trees. I went on up and went against a Trainer whose Polywhirl and Gyarados both went down easily against Maximus. I went past him through a field of tall grass to find another Trainer, and the Veteran went down easily against my team.

I managed to sneak past another couple Trainers, and surfed a little bit to get to the most northern part of the Route, and I found this large white rock. I checked it and it was unmarked, but polished like a mirror. I decided to go south on this part to battle an Ace Trainer, then Flew back home after that rough path through Victory Road.

I know there's lots to collect here in this part of Victory Road, but at this point I'm hard pressed to care... This trip has been tough what with Marley's Pokemon doing little to help on top of having such difficulty landing hits in the fog! Maybe at some point I'll try, but seeing as I can't bring items over to Pokemon Y, I don't see the need to go through so much effort.

Current Team:

Lucius (Rapidash, Fire, Lv. 59)
Maria (Gastrodon, Water/Ground, Lv. 60)
Marcus (Staraptor, Normal/Flying, Lv. 59)
Annabelle (Torterra, Grass/Ground, Lv. 60)
Alexander (Machamp, Fighting, Lv. 59)
Maximus (Luxray, Electric, Lv. 59)

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