Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Union Cave

While using the Pokewalker, I got 2 Zubat (Poison/Flying, Male, Lv. 8), a Ghastly (Ghost/Poison, Female, Lv. 15), and 4 Sitrus Berries.

I made my way into Union Cave, a cavern filled with dark rocks and winding hallways. I knew with the amount of Rock-Type Pokemon around that it would be great for training Seth. I came across a Hiker who wanted to fight, and I sent out Seth against his Onix. Onix used Harden, then Seth hit it with Vine Whip for great damage. Onix used Harden again, then Seth used Bullet Seed for great damage. Onix used Bind next for good damage, but then Seth knocked it out with another Vine Whip. Seth grew to Level 12, and the battle was won.

I came across another Hiker and he also wanted a fight, so I obliged. He sent out Geodude, and I sent out Seth. Seth used Vine Whip to knock it out instantly, and then another Geodude was sent out who also went down to Vine Whip. A third Geodude was sent out, and Seth used Bullet Seed to knock it out in two hits. Seth grew to Level 13, and learned Sleep Powder in place of Growth, and the battle was won.

I fought against a few wild Pokemon as I made my way further south in the cave, and I came across another Trainer. His two Pokemon, a pair of Koffing, went down easily, and Seth grew to Level 14 while Togepi grew to Level 9. I switched Blake to walk beside me and continued on in the cave. I fought against more wild Pokemon, and Blake grew to Level 12 and learned Bite in place of Rage. I came across another Trainer and beat him quickly with Blake. After the battle, the Trainer told me that every Friday, roars from a Pokemon could be heard from deep within the cave. I could only imagine what could be in Union Cave...

I fought against some wild Pokemon, and Blake grew to Level 14. I found the exit and left the cave soon after that, out to Route 33 and lots of rain. I came across another couple Apricorn Trees and got a Pnk Apricorn and Blk Apricorn, then I came across another Trainer. The Hiker's Pokemon both went down easily against Blake, who grew to Level 15, and then I continued on my way. I caught a Spearow (Normal/Flying, Female, Lv. 6) while heading west, and soon I came across Azalea Town.

With Union Cave behind me, I hope to make progress towards my next Gym Badge soon!

Current Team:

Samuel (Chimchar, Fire, Lv. 11)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 15)
Lucas (Pidgey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 13)
Togepi (Normal, Male, Lv. 9)
Elekid (Electric, Male, Lv. 13)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 14)

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