Monday, April 14, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Goldenrod Gym

With my last couple Pokemon now properly named and a shiny new Bike to get around with, it was time to get my next Gym Badge.

My team consisted of:

Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 17)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Level 17)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 17)
Lucas (Pidgeotto, Normal/Flying, Lv. 18)
Edward (Elekid, Electric, Lv. 17)
Claire (Gastly, Ghost/Poison, Lv. 22)

I was surprised to find out that the Goldenrod Gym was a Normal-Type Gym, and I knew that Samuel would do quite well here, assuming his training had been enough. I remembered the Petalburg Gym being another Gym devoted to Normal-Type Pokemon, and I found the concept a bit odd, but considering Normal-Type Pokemon and attacks are decent against most types, I suppose it makes sense to focus on them.

Inside I found it to be a maze of paths at different levels, filled by Trainers, and I knew I'd have to make my way through all of them before I finally got to the Gym Leader. I came across the first Trainer, and I sent out Blake against her Meowth. There was an extended battle between the two, both trading blows, before Blake came out victorious. Another Meowth was sent out, and I sent Samuel against it. Samuel hit the second Meowth with Mach Punch and took it out in one blow, and he grew to Level 18 and won the battle.

I went further through the maze and encountered another Trainer. She sent out Sentret, and I sent out Blake. Blake hit it with Water Gun for massive damage, then it used Foresight to identify Blake. Blake used Scratch for great damage, and knocked it out. Another Sentret was sent out, and Blake stayed in the fight. Sentret used Quick Attack for good damage, then Blake countered with Bite for massive damage. Blake hit it with Scratch and knocked it out, and then a third Sentret was sent out. Blake used Water Gun for good damage, then Sentret used Defense Curl to increase it's defense. Blake hit it with Bite for massive damage, a critical hit that knocked it out and won the battle, and upon victory he grew to Level 18 and evolved into Croconaw!

I continued through the maze, amazed at how huge Blake had grown from evolution. He was as big as I was as we walked together back down and into the center of the maze, to the next Trainer.  I sent out Samuel against her Snubbull, whose Intimidate cut his attack. Samuel used Mach Punch for great damage before it countered with Scary Face to lower speed. Samuel hit it with Rock Smash for great damage, and it used Lick for minor damage, then Samuel finished it off with another Rock Smash.

I switched Samuel to the front of the team and continued on as he walked behind me. The next Trainer had a Jigglypuff, and I sent out Samuel against it. Samuel hit it with Mach Punch for massive damage, and it was knocked out instantly. Another Jigglypuff sent out, another Mach Punch that knocked it out instantly. Samuel grew to Level 19 and learned Flame Wheel in place of Ember. The Lass sent out her third and final Jigglypuff, and it too was knocked out by Mach Punch, and the battle was over.

Finally after getting through all the Beauties and Lasses, I finally got to the Gym Leader, Whitney. I realized that she was the one I saw at the Radio Tower who thought the third answer was "Apricot." She introduced herself, and she remembered me from the Radio Tower too. She told me she got into Pokemon because everyone else was, and that she thinks they're super cute. She warned me of how good she was when I told her I was there to challenge her, but I have faith in my team, and especially Samuel.

Whitney sent out Clefairy, and I sent out Samuel. Samuel hit it with Mach Punch for massive damage, then it's Cute Charm caused him to become infatuated, before it used Mimic to learn Mach Punch. Samuel was in love with Clefairy, but used Mach Punch to knock it out and grow to Level 20.

Whitney sent out Miltank next, and I kept Samuel in the fight. Samuel hit it with Mach Punch for great damage, then it used Attract to make Samuel fall in love. Samuel was in love, and was immobilized, then he got hit by Stomp for great damage. Samuel was still immobilzed by love when he got hit by Stomp again for great damage. I gave Samuel a Super Potion to heal up before he got hit by Stomp again for good damage.

I wondered how much longer Samuel would be in love while getting kicked in the face, over and over again... Samuel used Mach Punch again for good damage, and Miltank countered with Stomp for great damage. I gave Samuel another Super Potion, and he was hit by Stomp for great damage. Samuel hit Miltank with Mach Punch again for good damage, and it countered with Stomp for great damage. Whitney used a Super Potion to heal Miltank, and then Samuel used Rock Smash for good damage.

I gave Samuel another Super Potion, and he got hit by Stomp for great damage. Samuel and Miltank both traded blows for great damage, then I gave Samuel a Super Potion to heal him again, and he got hit by Stomp again for great damage. Samuel was immobilized by love and got hit by Stomp for great damage, then on the next turn Samuel used Mach Punch again for great damage, but Miltank clung on and used Stomp to knock out Samuel.

I switched out to Edward, and Whitney used a Super Potion to heal Miltank before he hit it with Thunder Punch for good damage. Miltank used Stomp for massive damage, and Edward flinched. Miltank used Stomp again and Edward was knocked out. His static ability made it paralyzed for a moment, before it used a berry to heal itself of the status.

I switched out to Claire, hoping that she might be able to do something. I used Revive on Samuel, then Miltank used Milk Drink to heal itself fully. Claire hit it with Confuse Ray, and it used Rollout for great damage. Claire used Destiny Bond next, and then Miltank used Rollout to knock out Claire, but Destiny Bond kicked in and knocked it out too!

Samuel grew to Level 21 since he was revived, and I felt great when the battle ended. I felt like perhaps it was a cheap win, with Destiny Bond having taken her Miltank down, but I was glad to have the victory anyway. Miltank was tough, especially when I've had such a hard time training my Pokemon, and with all but Claire being male and thus susceptible to Attract, I was just lucky that Samuel kept fighting as long as he had.

With the battle over, Whitney just started crying, calling me a "meanie." I tried to talk to her, but she would only cry and refused to give me the Gym Badge I had rightfully won. I felt angry that after my honest victory, all she could do was sit there and cry. I was angry that she refused to give me the Gym Badge I deserved. I felt like punching her in the face, but I knew that wouldn't do me any good, so I just left.

Before I could get far into the maze again, the one Lass came up and told me that Whitney would stop crying soon, that she always cries when she loses. I wondered how the hell she was a Gym Leader then, because the whole point of Gym Leaders is to be defeated by powerful Trainers. I went back to her, and when I told her I wanted my Badge, she told me she forgot, and handed over the Plain Badge! She also handed over TM45 (Attract) as well, though I found the move frustrating to fight against...

Whitney told me about something called the Pokeathlon Dome that was open right next to the National Park, and told me I should go try it since I'm so good at battling with my Pokemon. Afterward she told me to come for a visit again, and bid me farewell.

When I left the gym, I got word from Mom that she bought something else with my money, and had it waiting by deliveryman at the Goldenrod Department Store. I healed my team first at the Pokemon Center, then I went to the Goldenrod Department Store to receive some Shuca Berries, which weaken super effective Ground-Type attacks. I also went to the Flower Shop to receive a Squirt Bottle for the odd "tree" on Route 36.

With another Badge in my collection, I knew I would have to train my team even HARDER to face the challenges ahead. I couldn't believe the strength of her Miltank, and I wondered how much more I could go through when I found it so hard to continue training my team. I find it funny how Claire helped me win another Badge with her odd attacks once more, but I was glad for it.

Current Team:

Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 21)
Blake (Croconaw, Water, Lv. 18)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 17)
Lucas (Pidgeotto, Normal/Flying, Lv. 18)
Edward (Elekid, Electric, Lv. 17)
Claire (Gastly, Ghost/Poison, Lv. 22)

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