Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Onward to Olivine City

I decided to train my team a bit more before moving on to the next city, and after some effort Edward and Seth both grew to Level 23, and Seth learned Acid in place of Bullet Seed!

I decided before leaving Ecruteak that I should check out the Bell Tower, assuming that my Fog Badge made me worthy of reaching it. I talked to one of the monks in the rooms at the Barrier Station to Bell Tower, and he told me that the Johto Region has two legends, one about the Whirl Islands, and the other about the Bell Tower. The other man mentioned a rainbow-hued Pokemon flying over Bell Tower, and a silvery, sparkling Pokemon resting on the seabed. Neither gave much information beyond that.

When I made it through the path and into the forest, I saw the Bell Tower. I headed inside, and saw that it had a massive swaying pillar like the Sprout Tower. I went around and found a ladder leading up, and was stopped by a Monk who was standing next to it. He told me that long ago, there used to be a Pokemon at the top of the tower, named Ho-oh. He said it flew away, and no one has seen it since. He told me if anyone who could restore deep trust between people and Pokemon were to come here with something linked to Ho-oh, that it may return for that person. He then went back to the ladder, and I assumed I wasn't considered worthy to reach the top yet.

After I stocked up on some healing items at the Poke' Mart, I went ahead and started west on Route 38 toward Olivine City. I decided to search through the grass for new Pokemon, and the first I came across was a Miltank (Normal, Female, Lv. 13) and she put up a HELL of a fight, resisting an Ultra Ball and a few Great Balls even in the red and ASLEEP before she was finally caught. After another battle against wild Pokemon, I went back to Ecruteak City to heal my team, then try again.

With more work, I caught a Meowth (Normal, Female, Lv. 16), Farfetch'd (Normal/Flying, Male, Lv. 16), Tauros (Normal, Male, Lv. 15), and a Snubbull (Normal, Female, Lv. 13), and after a fight with a Sailor Blake grew to Level 24! I healed my team, and then continued west. I found myself against a Bird Keeper and her team went down easily against Blake. I grabbed a Wht Apricorn nearby and then went further through Roue 38.

I fought against a Beauty, and Samuel grew to Level 24. I fought against a School Kid and his Mr. Mime went down quickly against Edward, and we exchanged phone numbers after the battle. I checked around to see if any other Trainers were around, and I fought a Lass. After a somewhat difficult battle against her team, I won, and we exchanged phone numbers.

I soon found myself on Route 39, and was stopped by an old man named Baoba. He saw the Pokedex I carried with me, telling me he hadn't seen one in ages. He introduced himself, and told me he used to run the Safari Zone in Fuchsia City, but told me it was becoming out of date with new entertainment options coming out. Baoba told me he decided to go overseas to learn the newest technology and and open a state-of-the-art Safari Zone in Cianwood. We exchanged phone numbers so he could tell me when the Safari Zone was ready.

After he left I checked out Route 39 and quickly came across another Trainer, a Psychic, and his team went down easily. Seth grew to Level 24, and I moved on to find the Moomoo Farm. I went inside the building, and talked to the farmer there. He told me his Miltank wasn't giving milk anymore, and told me of the famous milk the farm produced. I went into the stables and checked on the Miltank, and I gave it a couple of Oran Berries to try and get it to feel better. I had a couple more growing in the Berry Pots, so I knew I'd have to come back soon.

I found TM60 (Drain Punch), then went south to fight against several more Trainers, and I exchanged phone numbers with one of them. I got a call from Mom right after the battles, who told me to check the nearby Poke' Mart for a delivery from her. I quickly found myself in Olivine City afterwards, and as I went to heal my team, I came across Aiden who stepped out of the Olivine Gym.

Aiden wasn't thrilled to see me, but told me I didn't need to be alert because he didn't bother with "wimps" like me. He told me that the Gym Leader wasn't there, and that he was supposedly taking care of a sick Pokemon at the Lighthouse. Aiden didn't think much of sick Pokemon, thinking it should just be left alone to die. He believed that a Pokemon that can't battle was worthless, and I was getting sick and tired of his attitude toward the amazing creatures we shared the world with!

Before Aiden left, he recommended that I go train by the Lighthouse, thinking it might make me a better Trainer. I was getting tired of dealing with him, and knew he wouldn't stand a chance against any single Pokemon on my previous teams.

I healed my team, and decided to rest for a while. After I was recovered, I would go and explore Olivine City in detail. My team has grown quite a bit since leaving behind the Ecruteak Gym, and I felt confident in their strength going to the next Gym Battle!

Current Team:

Seth (Weepinbell, Grass/Poison, Lv. 24)
Lucas (Pidgeotto, Normal/Flying, Lv. 24)
Blake (Croconaw, Water, Lv. 24)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 24)
Claire (Haunter, Ghost/Poison, Lv. 26)
Edward (Elekid, Electric, Lv. 24)

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