Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Heading to Ecruteak City

I went east on Route 35 to fight a Bug Trainer, and Lucas took out his Venonat easily. I decided to head back to the National Park when I thought that there could be Trainers there to fight against. I found several Trainers wanting to battle, and through all my training Blake, Lucas, and Seth all grew to Level 19, and I caught a Sunkern (Grass, Male, Lv. 12). I also found a Soothe Bell, and TM28 (Dig), and I was given a Quick Claw!

I gave Blake the Quick Claw to hold, then I decided to go through Route 35 past the Bug Trainer from earlier, and continue on my way to Ecruteak City. I went exploring a bit on a side-path of Route 35 and found a Parlyz Heal, TM66 (Payback), and I fought against a Bird Keeper and a few wild Pokemon which made Blake grow to Level 20.

I cut a tree down and found myself on Route 36, and I went east past a Trainer who went down easily, and then I met up with Floria, from the Flower Shop. She told me to go ahead and water that thing, knowing it must be some kind of Pokemon, and I pulled out Seth before I watered it. It wiggled a bit, then jumped up and attacked. It was indeed a Sudowoodo (Rock, Male, Lv. 20) and I knew Seth was up to the challenge. Seth used Vine Whip for good damage, then Sudowoodo used Mimic to learn Vine Whip. Seth used Bullet Seed next for great damage, then Sudowoodo countered with Low Kick for minor damage. Seth used Vine Whip again for great damage, then it countered with Low Kick again for minor damage. Seth hit Sudowoodo with Vine Whip for great damage, and it clung on, then countered with Flail to knock Seth out! I knew I could catch it if I wanted, but I already had Bonsly from Sinnoh and I wanted revenge for Seth! I sent in Lucas, and his Quick Attack knocked Sudowoodo out and brought him to Level 20!

After the battle Floria thanked me for entertaining her, and gave me Berry Pots as a reward. She told me that with the Berry Pots, I could grow Berries from any region with no worries. She also gave me some Oran and Pecha Berries to start out with. She advised me to go north for Ecruteak City, but I decided to first head east to Violet City to heal my team, and after that I continued toward Ecruteak City.

With my team healed, I headed north upward to Route 37, where I sneaked past a Trainer to get 1 each of Blk, Red, and Blu Apricorns! I then decided to fight against the Psychic I had sneaked past, using Claire to fight against his Pokemon. He sent out Drowzee, and I had Claire try Sucker Punch, but it failed, and then it used Disable to stop her from using that ONLY attack. I switched to Edward, who avoided Drowzee's attack. Edward hit it with Thunder Punch for massive damage, then it used Disable to lock out the attack. Edward hit it with Shock Wave to knock it out and win the battle, and Edward grew to Level 20!

I caught a Stantler (Normal, Male. Lv. 15) who managed to knock out Seth and do a lot of damage to Claire. I went back to Violet City to heal my team again, then continued on north through Route 37. I found myself against a pair of twin girls, and they wanted a battle. I sent out Claire and Edward, and they sent out Marill and Mareep. Claire used Confuse Ray on Mareep, then Edward hit Marill with Thunder Punch for an instant KO, then Mareep used Thunder Shock against Claire for massive damage. Claire used Hypnosis on Mareep to put it to sleep, then Edward hit it with Headbutt for massive damage. Claire used Sucker Punch to knock it out, but became paralyzed by it's Static ability. The battle was over, and I healed my Pokemon before continuing on.

Very shortly ahead I came across another pair of Trainers, two Beauties, and they both wanted a fight. I sent out Claire and Seth, while they sent out Clefable and Wigglytuff. I realized that Claire could only aid Seth with support attacks, as Sucker Punch is just too unreliable. Claire used Hypnosis on Wigglytuff to put it to sleep, then Clefable used Encore, before Seth hit it with Cut for good damage and it's ability made Seth fall in love. Claire used Hypnosis on Clefable, and it was asleep while Seth was immobilized by love.

Claire kept on attempting to use Hypnosis to keep the two asleep, then Seth hit Wigglytuff with Vine Whip for massive damage. Wigglytuff woke up and used some odd attack that lowered stats of both Claire and Seth, then I decided neither of my Pokemon could be of much use, so I switched to Lucas and Blake. Clefable used Metronome to use Foresight, then Wigglytuff woke up and failed with Disable. Lucas hit Wigglytuff with Gust for good damage, then Blake used Scratch on Clefable for great damage. Clefable countered Blake with Double Slap for good damage, then Wigglytuff hit Blake with Pound for good damage. Lucas used Gust against Wigglytuff for good daamage, then Blake used Bite against Clefable for great damage, then it used Metronome for Mega Drain against Blake for great damage, before Blake was hit by Wigglytuff's Pound for good damage.

Blake fell in love with Clefable, and was immobilized by Love, then Lucas used Gust against Wigglytuff to knock it out, then Clefable used Encore on Lucas. Lucas used Tackle on Clefable for good damage, then Blake used Bite on it to knock it out, while the other Clefable sent out used Double Slap against Blake for good damage. Another Wigglytuff was sent out, then I switched Blake for Lucas. Lucas hit Clefable with Tackle for good damage, then it used Metronome for Explosion to knock out Lucas and Seth as well as itself and it's teammate, Wigglytuff. Blake got a lot of experience and grew to Level 21, and he learned Ice Fang in place of Leer, then the battle was over.

I kept onward, and fought against a Pidgey with Claire before I finally made it to Ecruteak City! I went immediately to the Pokemon Center to heal my team after that tough fight, then saw a man come down from the upper level to talk to Nurse Joy. I went up and he introduced himself as Bill, and I introduced myself to him. I was informed by him that he developed the PC transfer system, and that he had a lot of help with it by people like Lanette who made the Pokemon Storage System easier to use. He told me he had friends all over the world working together to improve the Pokemon trade and storage systems.

After Bill left to see his parents in Goldenrod City, I healed my team and decided to do some training to get them ready for the battle ahead. I wanted to get Claire to evolve and gain a proper attack before moving on to fight the next Gym Leader!

Current Team:

Claire (Gastly, Ghost/Poison, Lv. 22)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 19)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 21)
Blake (Croconaw, Water, Lv. 21)
Lucas (Pidgeotto, Normal/Flying, Lv. 20)
Edward (Elekid, Electric, Lv. 20)

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