Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Ecruteak City

While I trained hard with my team on Route 37, Seth grew to Level 21 and evolved into Weepinbell, Lucas and Edward grew to Level 21, Blake and Samuel grew to Level 22, and Claire grew to Level 25 and evolved into Haunter, and learned Shadow Punch in place of Sucker Punch!

I had arrived in Ecruteak City, the "historical city" according to the sign, and it lived up to it's reputation. All the buildings were of ancient Japanese design, kept up over the centuries. It was an old city with much history behind it, and I was interested in learning more about this place and Johto as a whole.

I talked to a few people in the city, and one of them gave me a Dowsing Machine, which I registered to quick select to find hidden items around the region. I went to the Poke' Mart to buy supplies, including Pokeballs, Great Balls, and Potions. I talked to a few more people around the city, and learned from one that Ecruteak City once had two towers, one in the east and one in the west, but it looked like the west tower had burned down long, long ago.

I soon found myself in front of the Ecruteak Dance Theater, and decided to check it out. When I went inside, I found the Kimono Girl at the stage being harassed by a Rocket Grunt, who demanded she stop doing her serious dance and do something like a hula dance. She responded that he shouldn't push such a request on her, and that just made him angry, talking about how the customer is always right. The Rocket Grunt said that he would show her how to dance, and it would be a great one.

I saw the Rocket Grunt suddenly start spinning around, showing the Kimono Girl how he wanted her to dance. I talked to an old man among the audience, and he told me that I needed to help defend his Kimono Girl. I confronted the Rocket Grunt, and he was pissed off that I was getting in his way. I was ready to take care of another of these Rocket Grunts.

I sent out Lucas against his Koffing, and Lucas used Gust for massive damage, then it countered with Tackle for minor damage. Lucas hit it with Quick Attack next and knocked it out, and the battle was already over. He claimed I made him look like a villain, then said he had an important mission, that they couldn't find out he was wasting time there or they'd make him start over as the lowest rank. He then left to cause more trouble.

I talked to the Kimono Girl, and she knew who I was. She told me the battle was excellent, that I was kind and strong, and that I was good at raising Pokemon. She said how "that person" knows what to look for in people, and I could only imagine she meant Professor Oak. She then laughed and told me she was just talking to herself, to not mind her. I talked to the old man again, and he told me how courageous I was for my age. He gave me HM03 (Surf) and I made sure to teach it to Blake in place of Water Gun!

I decided to check out the path heading east, but I found myself in front of Mt. Mortar. I grabbed a nearby TM65 (Shadow Claw) and then met up with a Hiker who ran out of the cave. He apologized for bumping into me, and handed over HM04 (Strength) and I found that I couldn't continue any further without having a Badge that allowed me to Surf.

I went back to Ecruteak City, and went into the Burned Tower to explore it. When I went inside, I saw burnt boards around, and a massive hole in the floor leading to the stone brick basement which held three odd, unique Pokemon. There were a couple people nearby, and I went over to talk to them, and was greeted by a man named Eusine. He told me he was looking for a Pokemon named Suicune. I introduced myself, and he told me he heard rumors that Suicune was there, so he came to look. Eusine told me to take a look at the basement through the huge hole in the floor, which I had seen before, telling me one of those three was Suicune. He told me he could go down there, but he knew it would run away instantly. He told me he tried many times before, and each time it ran away.

I talked to the man near Eusine, and he introduced himself as Morty, the Ecruteak Gym Leader, and told me he was there to support his friend Eusine on his search for Suicune. Morty told me that Ecruteak had a legend about these Legendary Pokemon; Suicune, Entei, and Raikou. He told me that as the Gym Leader of Ecruteak, he needed to have a proper understanding of the legend.

I continued north in the Burned Tower and came across Aiden, who assumed I was there to catch the Legendary Pokemon to make myself look strong. He told me that was a dream, that they suit a Trainer like him who had sworn to become the strongest Trainer. He told me that a battle with Team Rocket grunts was just right for me, that it was the only thing I was good for.

Aiden sent out Gastly, and I sent out Lucas against it. Lucas hit it with Gust for great damage, then it used Mean Look to keep Lucas in the fight. Lucas hit it with Gust again for great damage, then it used Curse to knock itself out and lay a curse on Lucas. Lucas grew to Level 22, and learned a Dragon-Type move, Twister, in place of Tackle, then he took some good damage from the curse.

I sent out Samuel against his Magnemite, and he used Flame Wheel for massive damage resulting in an instant KO! Next up was Zubat, and I sent out Edward against it. Edward hit Zubat with Thunder Punch for massive damage, and another instant KO! I sent out Samuel against his final Pokemon, Bayleef, and Aiden was starting to sweat. Samuel hit Bayleef with Flame Wheel for massive damage, and it received a burn, then it used Poison Powder to poison Samuel. Both were hurt by their status effects, and Aiden claimed he was going easy on me, then Samuel hit Bayleef with Mach Punch for good damage, and it used Reflect to increase it's defense, before burn took it out. Samuel grew to Level 23, and the battle was over.

Aiden told me he would never fight another weakling again, that he was done playing around. Then he just told me that I would never be able to catch a Legendary Pokemon, and pushed me out of the way before he left. After the battle I got a call from Mom that she had bought something else with my money, and that a deliveryman was waiting at the nearest Poke' Mart to bring it to me.

I healed my team, and fought a couple Trainers on that floor, before I decided to head down to the basement to see the Legendary Trio of Johto. When I went down there and got close to the center of the basement, the three Pokemon jumped up and ran off, and the last one, Suicune, paused to look me over before it too ran off.

Eusine came down the ladder, and asked me if I saw it, if I saw Suicune. He was amazed at how it raced by him like a blur, and he told me that he had never gotten that close in ten years. He told me that it was clear that Suicune took notice of my presence, and he told me that Ecruteak's Legendary Pokemon are said to come to people only when they recognize their talents. Eusine wondered if perhaps he should be more aggressive toward Suicune, but I had no answer for him.

Eusine left the Burnt Tower, and I left right after him. I healed my team at the Pokemon Center, and then decided to rest for the night. Soon I'll go for my next Gym Badge!

Current Team:

Seth (Weepinbell, Grass/Poison, Lv. 21)
Blake (Croconaw, Water, Lv. 22)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 23)
Edward (Elekid, Electric, Lv. 21)
Claire (Haunter, Ghost/Poison, Lv. 25)
Lucas (Pidgeotto, Normal/Flying, Lv. 22)

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