Sunday, April 6, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Azalea Gym

While using the Pokewalker, I caught a Shelder (Water, Female, Lv. 12), Dratini (Dragon, Female, Lv. 10), a Poliwag (Water, Female, Lv. 15), Koffing (Poison, Female, Lv. 13), and Voltorb (Electric, Lv. 15), and I found a Star Piece, some Fresh Water, a Max Ether, an Elixir, a Great Ball, a Guard Spec, and TM11 (Sunny Day).

I decided to put Togepi in the PC and withdraw the Gastly (Ghost/Poison, Female, Lv. 15) I caught in the Pokewalker, because I know that Togepi evolves into a Normal/Flying-Type Pokemon, which I already have with Lucas. It's an interesting combination of Pokemon I've got now, and while I'm not thrilled to have a pair of Pokemon with partial Poison-Typing, at least I've got the major groups in my team.

My team consisted of:

Lucas (Pidgey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 14)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 14)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 15)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 14)
Elekid (Electric, Male, Lv. 13)
Gastly (Ghost/Poison, Female, Lv. 15)

When I went inside, I was told that the young Gym Leader made this Gym a nest of Bug-Type Pokemon. I wondered how young he could be, considering the average age of Gym Leaders I had fought in previous leagues was anywhere from 22-30 years old. I headed inside and got ready for a fight.

When I went inside, I found an odd area of trees and bushes, and three spider-like platforms on these cross-direction beams. I decided to go onto the middle platform, and it moved around, forward, left, right, forward, until I found myself at a small spot with a Trainer. He had a Caterpie that was knocked out in a short battle against Lucas, then Weedle was sent out. Weedle slowed Lucas down with String Shot, but a couple attacks with Gust took it out and won the battle.

I went back on the platform, and took the left platform and made it forward. I came across another Trainer, and I sent out Lucas against his Weedle. Lucas used Gust and knocked it out, then Kakuna was sent out. Lucas hit it with Gust for massive damage, and it used Harden to brace against the next attack. Lucas hit it with Tackle and knocked it out, and he grew to Level 15, then Beedrill was sent out. With just a couple attacks from Lucas and a missed Fury Attack, Beedrill was knocked out, and the battle was won.

The next part of the Gym had a platform section with a red beam and a blue beam, and red and blue switches nearby. I flipped the blue switch and went on the platform, and I was moved around to another Trainer. His Paras went down easily against Lucas, who grew to Level 16, and then I went back and flipped the switch before moving around again on the platform. I found myself against a pair of twin girls, and I got into a Double Battle with them using Lucas and Samuel. The twins were beaten easily, and Samuel grew to Level 15.

I flipped the blue switch by the twins, went on the platform, and then flipped the red switch, before I finally made my way on the platform to the Gym Leader, Bugsy. He told me he never loses with his Bug-Type Pokemon (a claim I'm sure was completely exaggerated...) and that he's aiming to be the leading authority on Bug Pokemon with his research. He turned out to be quite young, most likely only a teenager. I wondered what he did to earn the title of Gym Leader at his age?

Bugsy sent out Scyther, and I sent out Lucas. Scyther used Quick Attack for massive damage, and then Lucas countered with Gust for good damage. I saw how little Lucas was doing against it, and I switched to Samuel, who got hit by Quick Attack for great damage. Scyther used Focus Energy to get pumped up, then it got hit by Ember for good damage. Scyther used Quick Attack again for great damage, and then Samuel countered with Ember. Scyther healed itself with a berry, then struck with Quick Attack to knock out Samuel. I switched over to Lucas, and he got knocked out by Quick Attack.

With both Lucas and Samuel beaten, I was left with the rest of my team who were simply not strong against Bug-Type Pokemon. I switched to Blake, and Scyther used Quick Attack again for great damage, before Blake countered with Bite for good damage. Bugsy used a Super Potion to heal Scyther and then Blake used Scratch for minor damage. Scyther used U-Turn to knock out Blake and then was switched out to Metapod. I had to switch to Elekid, who used Thunder Punch for great damage, then Metapod countered with Tackle for good damage. Elekid hit it with Thunder Punch again for great damage, then it countered with Tackle. Elekid hit Metapod with Thunder Punch again to knock it out, and I finally made some progress as Elekid grew to Level 14.

Scyther was sent out again, and and it used Quick Attack for massive damage to knock out Elekid, and I switched out to Gastly. Scyther charged up with Focus Energy, then I had Gastly use Destiny Bond to trap it. Scyther used Leer to lower Gastly's defense, then she countered with Hypnosis to put it to sleep. With Scyther asleep, Claire was able to use Curse, halving her own health but giving constant damage to Scyther. Scyther remained asleep while Gastly attempted to use Hypnosis to keep it asleep for a couple turns, and Scyther kept taking damage from Curse. Scyther woke up after a couple turns and used U-Turn to do great damage, then it switched out with Kakuna.

Gastly used Hypnosis on Kakuna and it fell asleep, and while it was asleep I used Revive on Samuel. Kakuna stayed asleep, and I used a Potion on Samuel to heal him up. Gastly missed with Hypnosis, and then Kakuna woke and used Poison Sting which did minimal damage, and Gastly clung on. I switched over to Samuel, and he got hit by Poison Sting for minor damage. Samuel used Ember for massive damage, and Kakuna clung on to hit with Poison Sting for minor damage. Samuel used Rock Smash to knock it out, and then Scyther was sent out once again.

Scyther used Focus Energy to charge up, but Samuel hit it with Ember, and with so little health left it was knocked out, and Samuel grew all the way to Level 17! With Scyther knocked out, Bugsy was out of Pokemon, and I won the battle!

After the battle, Bugsy complimented me on my skill with Pokemon, and handed over the Hive Badge. With this new Badge, Pokemon up to Level 30 would obey me, and be able to use Cut outside of battle. Bugsy also handed over TM89 (U-Turn), which allows a Pokemon to land a powerful blow before being switched out that same turn with the next Pokemon.

I left the building, happy to have made it through another challenge, though I knew at that point I needed to train my team well if I wanted to get through the next Gym. I also realized that I would need to train Gastly with more offensive moves if I wanted to be able to do anything with it down the line, even if it's unusual attacks proved useful here.

After I healed my team, I decided to give Gastly an Exp. Share to hold onto, so that she would level up and hopefully learn an offensive move quickly. Gastly's only real attack currently is Curse, which does damage over time like Poison or Burn but which requires her to give up half her health. Until she gets a direct attack, I won't be able to do much with her in battle.

Current Team:

Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 14)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 17)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 15)
Lucas (Pidey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 16)
Elekid (Electric, Male, Lv. 14)
Gastly (Ghost/Poison, Female, Lv. 15)

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