Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Azalea Town

When I got to Azalea Town, I came across a couple people talking, two men, and one was wearing black. The one in black told the other that he was part of Team Rocket, and the other man thought they broke up a while ago. The Rocket member told him they hadn't broken up, though they did, but that they came back together. He told the first man to leave, then shoved the guy and stood guard at the path to a well.

Before going to take on that Team Rocket asshole, I decided to go ahead and get my team healed over at the Pokemon Center. While I was there, I was told by someone that the Apricorns I had been collecting were used to make Pokeballs, and that they were used to catch Pokemon before Pokeballs were mass-produced. I wondered what kind of Pokeballs I could get with these things when there's already such a large variety of Pokeballs available.

I headed back to Slowpoke Well, as it was called, and confronted the Rocket Grunt. He claimed that nothing was going on, that he was making sure no-one fell in. Unfortunately for me, he refused to fight or move, so I decided to explore the town. I found the man who was dealing with the Rocket Grunt, and he told me a tough guy named Kurt who lived in town should be able to handle this. I decided to go search for this Kurt and get his help.

I was able to find Kurt's house, and the sign described him as "The Stubborn Pokeball Creator." I assumed this meant he was the one to give Apricorns to. I went in and introduced myself, and he told me he couldn't make me any Pokeballs right now, because of the trouble in town. He told me about Team Rocket, about how they use Pokemon for their dirty work. He told me that they were supposed to have disbanded three years ago, and that they're cutting off Slowpoke tails for sale as a delicacy. Kurt told me he was going to go over there and give the Rocket Grunt a lesson in pain, and then he ran off.

I followed after Kurt, and when I got there I saw that the Rocket Grunt had left, so I went down into the well. I found Kurt at the bottom of the well, and he told me that the guard up top took off when he shouted at him, but then he fell down the well and hurt himself. He asked me to fight in his place, to teach Team Rocket a lesson, and I gladly ran ahead to fight them. I've taken down Team Aqua and Team Galactic with nothing but the strength of my Pokemon, and I don't think Team Rocket stands a better chance than they did!

I headed deeper into the well, and came across a Rocket Grunt. It appeared to be the same one who was guarding the well before. He sent out Rattata, and I sent out Samuel. Rattata used Quick Attack for good damage, then Samuel countered with Rock Smash for massive damage. Samuel hit it with Ember to knock it out, and then another Rattata was sent out. Samuel hit it with Rock Smash for massive damage, then it used Focus Energy to charge up, but it was knocked out by another Scratch, and Samuel grew to Level 13. The battle was won, and the pathetic Rocket Grunt could only watch as I went deeper inside to take out his friends.

I spotted another Rocket Grunt standing guard, and I sneaked up to her for a fight. She sent out Zubat, and I sent out Togepi against it. Togepi got hit by Leech Life for minor damage, then he countered with Extrasensory for massive damage. Zubat used Leech Life again for minor damage, then Togepi knocked it out with another Extrasensory attack. Togepi grew to Level 10, and learned Sweet Kiss in place of Growl. Ekans was sent out next, and it's Intimidate cut Togepi's attack, though with his focus on special attack it wasn't effective. Ekans used Wrap for minor damage, then Togepi countered with Extrasensory for great damage. Wrap did minor damage, then Ekans used Poison Sting for good damage, then Togepi countered with Extrasensory to knock it out and win the battle.

The Rocket Grunt told me that Slowpoke Tails grow back quickly, and that she had been ordered by someone named Proton. I grabbed a Super Potion and then headed forward to fight another Grunt, and his team went down quickly against Lucas, who grew to Level 14. This Rocket Grunt seemed to be uneasy about selling Slowpoke Tails, but then again he chose to be with them. I checked on a couple Slowpoke who had their tails cut off, and one had a letter with it, which read "Be good and look after the house with Grandpa and Slowpoke. Love, Dad." I felt sorry for these poor Pokemon being abused by both Team Rocket, AND the people who actually ate their tails.

I confronted the Rocket Executive, Proton, who claimed to be labeled the scariest and cruelest guy in Team Rocket. Proton sent out Zubat, and I sent out Samuel against it. Samuel used Ember for great damage, and Zubat's Supersonic missed. Samuel used Ember again and knocked it out, then Koffing was sent out. Samuel used Ember for good damage, and it's counter attack missed. Samuel used Ember again for good damage, then Koffing used Tackle for good damage. Proton taunted me, asking if I thought I could really interfere with their plans, and I simply flipped him off before ordering Samuel to use Ember again for good damage, and then he got hit by Smog for good damage. Samuel and Koffing exchanged blows for good damage, then Samuel Scratched it and knocked it out, and with the battle over he grew to Level 14.

Right after the battle, Samuel evolved into Monferno, and learned Mach Punch in place of Scratch. Proton told me that Team Rocket was indeed broken up three years ago, but that they continued their activities underground. He said a "small obstacle" like me wouldn't be a problem for their mission, but he had no idea the strength my team and I possessed!

After Proton left, Kurt came up from behind and congratulated me. He told me that Team Rocket had taken off, and that his back was better after the fall. We left and went back to his place, where he told me that Team Rocket had been disbanded by a boy named Red, but now that they came back he had a bad feeling about things. He told me he'd be happy to make Pokeballs for me, and gave me a Fast Ball.

Kurt noticed that I had Apricorns, and told me he would turn them into Pokeballs. I handed over my 4 Blk Apricorns and he told me it would take a day to make the Pokeballs. His granddaughter gave me his number to contact Kurt and learn more about Apricorns later. I was happy to see that her Slowpoke was back too, and it's tail had grown back already!

Having foiled Team Rocket's schemes for now, I could once again focus on going through the Johto League. Azalea Town held the next Gym, and I knew my team was definitely up to the task of getting another Badge!

Current Team:

Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 14)
Lucas (Pidgey, Normal/Flying, Lv. 14)
Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 15)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 14)
Togepi (Normal, Male, Lv. 10)
Elekid (Electric, Male, Lv. 13)

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