Saturday, April 26, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Ecruteak Gym

While using the Pokewalker, I found 2 Heart Scales, 2 Lux Berries, a Stardust, and a Big Pearl.

I sold my valuables such as Stardust and the Big Pearl at the Poke' Mart and got quite a bit of cash, then I went to the Ecruteak Gym to get my next Badge.

When I went inside the Gym, I found myself on a path lit by two large candles, with some kind of thick fog flowing underneath. The man at the entrance told me that this was a Ghost-Type Gym, and I knew that Lucas would have a distinct advantage here. I saw the path ahead darkened except for a candle, and I headed forward.

I came across the first Trainer there, a Medium, and she wondered if I could inflict any damage on her Pokemon. I sent out Lucas against the Medium's Gastly. Lucas was able to make Gastly flinch with Twister, and he got Twister reduced by 4 PP from Spite before he was able to knock it out, then another Gastly was sent out. Lucas fought with the Gastly, taking it out with Gust attacks, and Gastly's Spite reduced Gust by 4 PP, and a third Gastly was sent out. I kept Lucas in the fight, and he was able to knock it out after Twister was reduced by another 4 PP by Spite. A fourth Gastly was sent out, and I sent out Blake, and thanks to Quick Claw he attacked first with Bite and Gastly was knocked out. A fifth Gastly was sent out, and Blake used Bite to knock it out and win the battle. Blake grew to Level 23, then we continued on the path after her light went out.

I tried to continue through the path, but I fell into the fog, came back up at the start of the Gym, and went through the path again. Soon I found myself in front of another Medium, and she sent out Haunter against Lucas. There was a prolonged battle between Lucas and the Haunter, which saw Lucas get hit with both Curse and Confusion for a double-dose of punishment, and while he was able to dish out damage the Haunter finally beat him. I had to send out Claire against it, and she used Shadow Punch to knock it out. Another Haunter was sent out, and Claire knocked it out with a single Shadow Punch.

The battle was won, and I considered going onward with one less Pokemon... I felt bad for Lucas, and knew while he didn't have very powerful attacks, his Normal/Flying-Type would make him immune to Ghost-Type attacks. He may not have had anything that was super effective against Ghost-Type Pokemon, but he was immune to direct attacks. I decided to leave the Gym and go to the Pokemon Center to heal him, knowing how tough my previous Gym Battles had been.

I handed out Sitrus Berries to most of my team, and gave Lucas a Lum Berry in case any other status effect should befall him, knowing that Ghost-Type attacks wouldn't be used against a Normal/Flying-Type like Lucas. I went back to the Ecruteak Gym and kept going through it.

Another Medium challenged me, and I wondered just how many more I would have to fight through to reach the Gym Leader. I sent out Lucas against her Haunter, and I had Lucas deal damage with Gust, going blow-for-blow with Haunter and it's Sucker Punches, until one failed when Lucas used Sand-Attack. Haunter failed with Sucker Punch again, because Lucas hit it with Sand-Attack again to lower it's accuracy. I knew Sucker Punch had one more use, so I had Lucas do another Sand-Attack, which caused Haunter's last Sucker Punch to fail. Haunter was able to use Confuse Ray to confuse Lucas after he hit it with Gust, but Lucas used the Lum Berry to snap out of confusion and knocked out Haunter to win the battle. Lucas grew to Level 23, and I continued on.

I fought against another Medium, and her team went down fairly easily against Lucas and Blake. I fell into the fog yet again, and had to go through the path again. I was starting to get tired of this long trip through the Gym and Mediums. I just wanted to fight the Gym Leader and get my next Gym Badge. I didn't know why it had to be such a long, hard fight just to get a Badge, but I was ready to make these Mediums pay for getting in my way!

I switched Blake to the head of my team, with his powerful Bite attack and higher Level being of more use than Lucas' attacks and defense. I fell into the fog again when I foolishly ran through the path, then slowly made my way through the path and finally found myself in front of the Gym Leader.

Morty, the Gym Leader, was happy that I was there. He told me that in Ecruteak, Pokemon had long been revered. He told me that the rainbow-hue of a golden Pokemon would come down to appear before a truly powerful Trainer, and he told me that was why he trained there all his life. Morty claimed he could now see what others couldn't, that he could see the shadow of the person who would make that Pokemon appear, and he believed that person was him. He told me I would help him reach that level, and then the battle began.

Morty sent out Gastly, and I sent out Blake to counter it. Blake's Quick Claw let him strike first with Bite, and it knocked out Gastly in a single blow. Morty sent out Gengar next, and Blake remained in battle. Gengar used Mean Look to keep Blake in the fight, but Blake hit it with Bite for great damage. Gengar used Hypnosis to put Blake to sleep, and he couldn't attack. I used my single Awakening to wake Blake up, then Gengar used Shadow Ball for massive damage, then another Shadow Ball hit to knock out Blake before he could attack, and I switched over to Lucas.

Gengar used Mean Look, then Lucas countered with Gust for minor damage, before it used a Sitrus Berry to heal itself. Gengar used Sucker Punch next for good damage, then Lucas used Twister for good damage. I had Lucas start hitting Gengar with Sand-Attack to lower it's accuracy to nothing as it kept missing with Hypnosis, before I had Lucas hit Gengar with Gust. The cycle continued for a few turns, missed Hypnosis and Gust doing minor damage, and then another Sand-Attack which caused Sucker Punch to fail. Finally Hypnosis landed and Lucas was put asleep, but it could do nothing against Lucas. It kept trying to use Sucker Punch, but I kept telling Lucas to use Sand-Attack knowing it would cause that move to fail. Finally Lucas woke up and used another Sand-Attack, then kept up with Gust.

Morty used a Hyper Potion on Gengar when I got it to the red, and another Gust did minor damage. I didn't know how long I could keep at it, but I knew Gengar couldn't do much against Lucas when it's most powerful attack, Shadow Ball, would do nothing against Lucas' Normal/Flying-Type. Gengar kept missing Hypnosis, and Lucas hit it with Twister. A Hypnosis landed to put Lucas to sleep, and Gengar was finally forced to try an ineffective Shadow Ball against Lucas. I knew I had it where I wanted it, even if it was healed again with a Hyper Potion. Lucas woke up and hit it with Twister for minor damage, picking away at Gengar's health while it kept missing with Hypnosis. Lucas started hitting Gengar with Gust again for the STAB attack-buff, and finally Gengar went down, and Lucas grew to Level 24!

Haunter was sent out next, and I decided to switch to Claire. Claire hit Haunter with Shadow Punch for massive damage, and it went down instantly and brought Claire up to Level 26! Another Haunter was sent in, and I kept Claire in the fight. Morty refused to give up, believing he could still win the fight. I thought that was admirable, but I knew he couldn't win this. Claire used Shadow Punch on Haunter and did massive damage, but it clung on to use Curse, and it knocked itself out to place that curse.

Morty was defeated, and I won my battle against the Ecruteak Gym! Morty thought our potentials were similar, but told me I seemed to have something more than that. He gave me the Fog Badge, and told me that Pokemon up to Level 50 would obey me, and I could have Blake use Surf outside of battle. He also handed over TM30 (Shadow Ball) and I knew that Claire could put that TM to some good use, even if she would learn the move eventually.

Morty realized that I was the person that the Kimono Girls had been talking about, but told me not to mind him. He told me I should be strong enough to go across the sea, and that by going west and south, I could reach Olivine City, where I assumed I would find the next Johto Gym.

I taught Shadow Ball to Claire in place of Shadow Punch, and then I went to the Pokemon Center to heal my team before I got a call from Mom telling me another item was purchased with my money and waiting at the nearby Poke' Mart. I healed my team and got a Super Potion, then I decided my team had earned a good night's rest after such a great battle.

My fourth Gym Badge in the Johto League, and it was a well-earned victory. I know it will only get harder from here, but I believe in the strength of my team, and I think I've got enough variety to beat every Gym Leader ahead of me. I just need to make sure they're trained properly.

Current Team:

Blake (Croconaw, Water, Lv. 23)
Lucas (Pidgeotto, Normal/Flying, Lv. 24)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 23)
Edward (Elekid, Electric, Lv. 21)
Claire (Haunter, Ghost/Poison, Lv. 26)
Seth (Weepinbell, Grass/Poison, Lv. 21)

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