Monday, April 7, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Through Ilex Forest to Goldenrod City

I grabbed my Heavy Balls from Kurt, and handed over 3 Grn Apricorns to be made into Pokeballs before I headed west toward Ilex Forest. Before I could start through the path, I met Aiden. He asked me if Team Rocket had returned, and when I told him they did, and I beat them, he didn't believe me. When I insisted it was the truth, he wanted to see how good I really was, and we fought.

Aiden sent out Gastly, and I sent out Seth. Gastly used Mean Look to keep Seth in the fight, but then Seth used Sleep Powder to put it to sleep. Gastly was asleep while Seth hit it with Bullet Seed for good damage. Gastly was withdrawn, and he sent out Bayleef against Seth, and it used Vine Whip for minor damage.

I sent out Lucas, and Bayleef used Synthesis to heal itself. Bayleef used Reflect to increase it's defense, and Lucas did what he could with Gust for damage, then Sand-Attack to lower it's accuracy, but Bayleef used Synthesis to recover from the damage, then it hit Lucas with Poison Powder to poison him, which caused good damage. Lucas used Gust again for great damage, and then Bayleef used Reflect to increase defense. Lucas hit it with Gust once more, only for it to recover from damage with Synthesis again.

I switched out to Samuel after Lucas took more damage from poison, and he hit Bayleef with Ember for great damage, then it missed it's Poison Powder counterattack. Samuel used Ember again for great damage, and Bayleef received a burn. Bayleef hit Samuel with Poison Powder, then both received damage from their status effects. Finally, Samuel hit Bayleef with Mach Punch to knock it out.

I sent out Elekid against his Zubat, and he hit it with Thunder Punch to knock it out in a single blow. I kept Elekid in the fight against his Gastly, and he hit it with Thunder Punch for massive damage to knock it out, and win the battle. My own Gastly grew to Level 16 with the Exp. Share giving it half the experience.

After the battle, Aiden told me how he hated the weak, both Pokemon and Trainers. He hates to see them hanging around, and that went for Team Rocket too. He told me how Team Rocket thought they were big and tough as long as they were in a group, but get them alone and they were actually weak. He had a great hatred for Team Rocket, though I couldn't understand what his particular grudge was against them. Aiden told me to stay out of his way, that I wouldn't be an exception if I got in his way.

I went back to heal my Pokemon, then I went onward toward Ilex Forest. When I got there, I found a man near the entrance, who told me his boss would be angry. He explained that the Farfetch'd that cut trees for charcoal ran off into the forest, and then asked me to catch them for him. I agreed, and went off to look for the rare Pokemon after being advised to sneak up behind them to catch them.

I found myself in an area with a Farfetch'd nearby, and I stepped on some branches, and the Farfetch'd turned toward the sound. I saw a path to sneak around behind it when it was distracted by the branches, and I grabbed it. I went back to the man, and he was grateful for my help, then told me there was one more missing. I went looking for the second Farfetch'd, hoping that I'd be able to find my own sooner or later.

I found a Revive as I went through the forest, then I spotted the next one. I moved around to find a branch to turn the Pokemon to one way, then I made my way around and tried to grab it from the side, but failed, and it ran off a short distance. It allowed me to make it focus on another direction, and I sneaked up behind it and caught it. When I returned the second Farfetch'd to the man, he thanked me again, and told me they wouldn't obey him because he didn't have a Badge. His boss came up, happy to see his Pokemon back, and he gave me HM01 (Cut) as a reward for my hard work.

I taught Seth Cut in place of Wrap, then I cut a nearby tree and went north. I found the Ilex Forest Shrine, which was a tribute to the forest's protector. I made my way through the forest, fighting wild Pokemon along the way. I grabbed an Antidote, X Attack, and Super Potion before I found a Kimono Girl, lost in the forest. I thought she was the one from Violet City, but told me she wasn't the same person. I wondered how many different Kimono Girls there were in this region, and how many more I would meet.

I offered to help her out of the forest, and when she asked if I was lost too, Lucas went over and hopped up and down, and led her out of the forest before returning to me for more adventuring. Lucas grew to Level 17 as we battled more wild Pokemon, and then I encountered a man who was headbutting trees. I asked him what he was doing, and he told me he was shaking trees using Headbutt. He told me it was fun, and that my Pokemon could do it too. I decided to teach Elekid to use Headbutt in place of Quick Attack.

I managed to find my way out of the forest, and I got TM12 (Taunt) from a woman with a Butterfree in the building leading to Route 34. Shortly after I got to Route 34, I fought against a Trainer. His Rattata went down quickly against Lucas' Gust, then Sandshrew was sent out, and another Gust attack did massive damage. Lucas hit it with Gust again to knock it out, then I sent out Elekid to fight his Spearow. Elekid hit Spearow with Thunder Punch to knock it out in a single blow, then Gastly grew to Level 17 thanks to Exp. Share. Another Spearow was sent out and Elekid took it down, and won the battle.

I came across another Trainer, who sent out Snubbull, and I sent out Lucas again. It's Intimidate cut Lucas' attack, then Lucas hit it with Gust for good damage before it used Tail Whip to lower his defense. This continued on, with Snubbull just reducing Lucas' stats while he kept up the attack with Tackle and Gust and soon knocked it out.

I sent out Gastly when the Trainer sent out Mareep. Gastly used Curse, cutting her health in half to plant a curse on it, then it used Growl to lower Gastly's attack before it was hurt by it's curse. Gastly missed with Hypnosis, and got hit by Thunder Shock for great damage, then curse did good damage. Gastly couldn't do much other than stall as Curse kept doing damage, and Mareep only lowered her stats in response. Gastly missed with Hypnosis, and Thunder Shock was used to knock her out, but then the curse knocked out Mareep and won the battle, though Gastly got no experience at all.

I used a Revive to bring back Gastly, and fought against another Trainer. His Mankey went down easily against Lucas, and so did his Diglett. I traded phone numbers with the boy before I continued on. I soon found myself in front of a house, and I heard Lyra shouting "Grandpa!" to the old man by the house before she came from up north. She thanked him for raising a Pokemon for her, and told him that it has been very healthy. Lyra noticed me and I went up to her and her grandfather. She introduced me to him, and mentioned to him how I seemed to be getting better at raising my Pokemon, but not quite as good as her grandfather.

Lyra told me to follow her, and I went into the house where I found her grandmother standing behind a counter. She introduced me to her grandmother, who thought I was Lyra's boyfriend. Lyra was quite embarrassed as she tried to clear things up, and her grandmother just laughed, telling her she was just teasing her. She mentioned how Lyra must be confident in my abilities to bring me here, and told me to come to them any time.

Lyra then left, but not before giving me her Pokegear number, and after she left I inquired about their services. It turned out to be the Johto Region Day-Care Center, and I pondered leaving a Pokemon there to be trained, but I knew all it would do for my Pokemon would be to raise their levels, not make them evolve. I left the building, and the old man offered to give me his phone number so I could check on any Pokemon the would raise for me.

I sneaked around a Trainer to grab TM63 (Embargo) from a field, then I battled him. His Psyduck went down easily against Lucas, and then we exchanged phone numbers. I immediately got a call from Mom, who informed me that she found a useful item at the Poke' Mart, and that she bought it with the money she was saving for me. She apologized, then told me she had it delivered to the nearest shop for me.

I soon made it into Goldenrod City, and healed my team at the Pokemon Center, before I headed back to Route 34 to train my Pokemon. While training, I caught a Drowzee (Psychic, Female, Lv. 12), Blake, Seth, Samuel, and Elekid all grew to Level 17, Lucas grew to Level 18 and evolved into Pidgeotto, and Gastly grew to Level 22 and learned Sucker Punch in place of Curse and Confuse Ray in place of Spite.

With my team all built up a bit, I felt like I was at a good place to continue with the next Gym. I knew I needed to get Gastly evolved into Haunter if I'm going to be able to really do anything with her, but right now she has some kind of attack and I'm happy about that.

Current Team:

Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 17)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Lv. 17)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 17)
Lucas (Pidgeotto, Normal/Flying, Lv. 18)
Elekid (Electric, Male, Lv. 17)
Gastly (Ghost/Poison, Female, Lv. 22)

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