Monday, April 14, 2014

Pokemon SoulSilver - Goldenrod City

First thing I did after my training and healing my Pokemon was to check out the nearest building, which I found to be the Goldenrod Department Store. I got some Rindo Berries from the deliveryman there courtesy of Mom, and then started looking around. I went to the second floor, which had standard Poke' Mart fare, and talking to some shoppers I found out that Goldenrod City had it's own Game Corner. I went to the third floor, which had combat-boosting items like X Attack and Dire Hit. The fourth floor held stat-boosting items like Protein and HP Up, which I've never actually used before. I checked the fifth floor and found that it dealt with TMs of all kinds, though none I was interested in at the moment. The sixth floor was the rest area, and it held a Daily Drawing Corner game. I bought a ticket for $300 and got myself a Chesto Berry for my trouble.

I went to the elevator, and found a basement I could go to, so I went down below and was informed that this was the warehouse, and that it wasn't open to customers. I went into the basement anyway and found several men walking around with Machop helping them move things. I was told the things on the floor were junk, and I was free to take them. I found an Ether, a Burn Heal, and an Ultra Ball, before I found a locked door and went back to the elevator to leave on the first floor.

Near the Goldenrod Department Store, I found the Goldenrod Game Corner. I went inside and met a man named Mr. Game, who invited me to play his Coin game. I agreed, and he gave me a Coin Case, and then he told me to sit across from him and play. I found it odd, it wasn't like the Game Corner in Mauville City or Veilstone City, where they were more traditional casinos. The Goldenrod Game Corner was an extravagant room with small walls near the entrance to make it into a semi-room with a large entrance to the main room, and it held two couches on either side of a table with a large touchscreen.

The name of the game was Voltorb Flip, and it consisted of flipping over cards to find numbers hidden beneath them. The cards had numbers 1, 2, and 3 on them, as well as Voltorb. The first card I found with a number would give me that many coins, and from then on the next number I find would give me a multiple of that first number, and it looked like I could keep going until I quit or found a Voltorb card, in which I'd lose my coins. If I could find all the 2 and 3 cards, I'd win and be pushed to another level to earn more coins, but lose and I'd get nothing.

I gave my first try, found 1, then 3, then 1, and then a Voltorb. My second try I got a Voltorb right off the bat and lost. The one good thing about the game was that it seemed I would only get coins, I wouldn't have to worry about actually putting money in for anything. My third try resulted in a lot of ones, a single 2, and then a Voltorb. Fourth try was a Voltorb right off the bat. I felt grateful after failing my fifth try that I didn't need to spend any money on this... Finally I managed to get 18 coins, and called it quits.

After I gave up, the man told me that the two gentlemen at the nearby table would give me prizes for my coins, the first offering an Abra, Sandshrew, and Dratini, while the other gave away TMs and Held Items for my Pokemon. I was disappointed to see Flamethrower on that list again, and I wondered just WHY everyone required such a useful and powerful move to be found only through the Game Corner.

I did more exploring and found the Johto-Kanto Magnet Train Line, stationed at the heart of Goldenrod. I went inside, and found a large room with pillars, and a large fancy clock near some chairs. I talked to the man at the gate, and he told me that the Magnet Train hadn't returned in a while. I wondered what the reason could be, and worried that perhaps something was happening over in Kanto...

I talked to a woman near the station, and she mentioned a man dressed as a Team Rocket member. I found him nearby, staring at the Goldenrod City Radio Tower. I confronted him, and he just told me to scram. I find myself quickly growing tired of these different gangs and the trouble I need to stop. I headed into the Radio Tower and talked with the people at the counter. One had a drawing for prizes depending on a Pokemon's Trainer number, which I lost, then I tried a quiz and failed the first time, then the second time, but third time was the charm, and I won a Radio Card which lets me listen to the radio with my Pokegear. I was encountered by a girl with pink hair nearby who was impressed by my win, and told me she thought the third answer was "Apricots" to which I had thought so too, the first time, before realizing after it was "Apricorns."

I went to the second floor of the Radio Tower and talked to more people, including Buena who ran a show called the "Password Show" and told me that she would give a new password each day, and if I came to her with the answer she would give me points on the Blue Card she handed over. With enough points I could get stuff from her assistant. I did more exploring on the second floor and found stairs to the third floor, but a security guard standing there told me only authorized personnel could go to the third floor. He explained that it wasn't that way before, that there was something wrong with the Director...

To the west I found the Global Terminal, filled with many types of Trainers. I found that the Global Terminal had three floors, the first for the GTS, the second for Dress-Up Data, and the third for Battle Video Gallery. I talked to people on the first floor, including one who let me set up a message for meeting people. I also registered my location on the globe on the GTS floor, and explored the second and third floor before I left. There is little I can do with the Global Terminal seeing as the old Wi-fi technology doesn't work with the new Wi-fi Network I have.

I went south and found the Goldenrod Bike Shop. I went inside, and was told by the owner that ever since he opened that branch, he hadn't been able to sell a single Bicycle. He offered to let me use one of his bikes as advertising, if I gave him my name and Pokegear Number. I gave him the information, and received a brand new Bicycle.

I did more exploring and found the colorful tent that held the Name Rater. I talked to him and renamed Elekid and Gastly. From now on, Elekid will be known as Edward, and Gastly will be known as Claire. With my whole team properly named, I left the tent, almost done with my exploration of Goldenrod City.

I found a couple houses around, in one of which lived the family of Bill, the man who invented the PC Storage System that holds all Pokemon. I also found a Flower Shop, and the owner told me of the odd tree on Route 36, that danced when watered. She told me that she would give me a Watering Can if I proved my strength by beating the Goldenrod Gym.

With all that out of the way, all that was left to do was to beat the Goldenrod Gym, and get my next Badge. I just hoped my training would be enough!

Current Team:

Blake (Totodile, Water, Lv. 17)
Samuel (Monferno, Fire/Fighting, Level 17)
Seth (Bellsprout, Grass/Poison, Lv. 17)
Lucas (Pidgeotto, Normal/Flying, Lv. 18)
Edward (Elekid, Electric, Lv. 17)
Claire (Gastly, Ghost/Poison, Lv. 22)

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