Monday, August 17, 2015

Pokemon Y - Lumiose City

I left the Lumiose City Pokemon Center, and met up with Shauna, who told me that I could make Trainer PR videos at the PR Video Studio. Shauna told me that she dreamed of making her own PR Video, and that I could get a short video made up or work on my own. I decided to head inside to find out about these PR Videos, and see what they could do for me.

I went inside and was immediately welcomed by a man at the counter. I went to the counter, and he described the way that the PR Video Studio worked. I was told that I could make 10 seconds of video to show everyone how awesome I am, and asked if I wanted to try it. I figured, why not, so I agreed to make a Cool-style video.

We did a quick thing, and while it wasn't bad, it certainly wasn't as great as I would have hoped. I knew I would have to come back later, but before I left I received a Lens Case which had contact lenses I could use to change my look. I switched my look a bit in the fitting room there, and then I left to continue exploring.

I soon found Serena in front of Cafe' Soleil, and I followed her inside. We spotted Lysandre there, and saw him talking with a woman that Serena called Diantha. Serena informed me that Lysandre is the head of Lysandre Labs, which created the Holo Caster, which I found out was a video-messaging device. I was also informed that Diantha is one of the most famous movie stars in the world.

We overheard their conversation, with Lysandre complimenting Diantha on how she played a young girl in her debut on the silver screen, and asked her if she would rather remain young and beautiful forever to always play such roles. She thought it was a strange question, and asked him in return why she would want to play the same old roles forever. Diantha told Lysandre that youth may be beautiful, but that it's not all there is to life.

Diantha continued, telling Lysandre that everything changes, and she wants to live and change as well, so she looks forward to playing different roles as she gets older. Lysandre responded by asking her, as she was chosen to be a movie star, wasn't it her duty to be ever beautiful? He believed that everything beautiful should stay that way forever, and told her that he would end the world in an instant so that beauty never fades. Lysandre also told her that he couldn't stand the thought of the world becoming uglier.

It was after that interaction that Lysandre noticed me and greeted me, and introduced me to Diantha personally. He told me of her talent as an actress, and said that she dedicates her life to making other people happy, and he wished that everyone was like her, how beautiful the world would be. He excused himself after that, and left the cafe.

Diantha came up, and we introduced ourselves to her, and Diantha complimented us on having lovely names. She told us that our Pokemon looked happy, and told us that she was a Trainer herself in her off time. Diantha told us she looked forward to battling us someday, and then she left. Serena reflected on how Trainers battle everyone, no matter who they are.

It was after all this that Serena remembered what she had to ask me, and it was then that she requested that we compete to see which of us would become stronger. She thought it would be fun to have a competition with me even though we just started our journey, and I had no issues with it.

I left the cafe, and found the Shutterbug Cafe' nearby which was a hotspot for photographers. I got information on photography, and the photo spots apparently located around the region. I left there, and found Coiffure Clips nearby, where I decided to get a haircut, a very short style.

I left the stylist and explored some nearby offices, and while there I received a Quick Claw, Timer Balls, and Quick Balls. I also spotted a new kind of Pokemon I hadn't seen before, though it didn't register in my Pokedex. While I was talking with people in the offices, I met up with a Roller Skater who taught me a new trick with my skates.

I continued on the streets, and found another new Pokemon, a Skiddo, that was sleeping comfortably on the sidewalk. I wandered the streets and got a Holo Caster recording from Tierno, who told me he was on Route 5 right now, and wanted me to hurry and come check things out. I would have to visit later, as there was still more to do in this massive city.

I found a restaurant as I explored this long road, a place called Restaurant Le Nah. The host at the desk told me that I could pay to eat and fight in Double Battles in a three-course meal, with the battles helping to pass the time as I waited for food. I decided against battling at this time because I wanted to save up my money for now, and I wanted to make sure my team was more properly trained before going into such a match.

I had thought I had seen everything I could get to with the power outage, but I found out that there was a main road I could explore, Vernal Avenue. I went down the path and the first shop I found was the Stone Emporium where I could buy a few Evolutionary Stones. I didn't need anything from them, especially as they only had 3 different stones, and I left there to continue checking shops along the  way.

I found the Boutique Corture across the street, but I was told I wasn't stylish enough to shop there and was forced to leave. I would have to find out how to become more stylish so I could get into there, and perhaps other perks. I found Cafe' Classe nearby, and inside I was told about the various clothing shops located in the Kalos region, and from what I was told I knew I would have to get stylish to get clothing  in the Boutique Corture.

I came across a shop called Friseur Furfrou, and I found out that it was a grooming service for owners of the Pokemon Furfrou to get their Pokemon trimmed in one of several styles. Right next to them I found Cafe' Woof, a place for Furfrou owners to gather, and I found myself wondering just HOW MANY Cafe's were in this city.

The last shop I found was called Herboriste, an herbal shop where I could buy various natural remedies for my Pokemon. The problem with such natural remedies was that they tasted awful, and my Pokemon would be upset with me for using that stuff on them. I would just stick with various potions that I could get in the Pokemon Centers.

I decided before I was done, I would try riding this Gogoat Shuttle, and I went to South Boulevard West ontop of the Gogoat, a large and powerful-looking Grass-Type Pokemon. I couldn't wait to catch one and train it later.

Finally I had seen everything there was to see on South Boulevard and Vernal Avenue, and I could go nowhere else in the city because there was a massive power outage in the northern part of Lumiose City. I would have to explore the rest later, but for now I decided to call it a day. Lots to do and see here, and I could only imagine what else I was missing out on!

Current Team:

 Cadence (Flabebe, Fairy, Lv. 10)
Logan (Bulbasaur, Grass, Lv. 10)
Axel (Pikachu, Electric, Lv. 13)
Jack (Froakie, Water, Lv. 14)
Gabriel (Fletchling, Normal/Flying, Lv. 15)
Bunnelby (Normal, Male, Lv. 13)

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