Monday, November 2, 2015

Pokemon Y - The Road to Dendemille Town

After taking a break from my adventure for a while, I was ready to continue on through Kalos to get my last couple badges and become Champion of the Kalos Region. That first entailed pumping Logan up with new moves when I sent him to Hoenn, where he learned Sludge Bomb, Energy Ball, and Giga Drain, with only Cut remaining among his old moves.

I headed east on Route 15, or Brun Way, to reach the next town. There were leaves strewn all about along the road, and I soon found a Revive in a pile of leaves before I got into a battle with a Pokemon Ranger. Logan grew to Level 48, then I roamed through the tall grass to find a Klefki (Steel/Fairy, Female, Lv. 36) before I continued on.

I got into another battle against a Hex Maniac, and after a short battle Brody grew to Level 48. I kept heading east, where I got into another battle with another Pokemon Ranger, and through the battle Axel grew to Level 48. I kept going along the path and got into yet another battle with a Pokemon Ranger, and at the end of the battle Jack grew to Level 48.

I got into a Double Battle right by some old ruins, and Gabriel and Logan both grew to Level 49 through the battle. I found nothing interesting in the ruins, and so I continued across a bridge, where I got a Holo Clip from Lysandre. He told me that according to Professor Sycamore's research, Mega Evolution all of a Pokemon's hidden energy at once, and so the Pokemon exhibits a level of power it could not attain ordinarily. Lysandre wondered if all people and Pokemon have such potential, or if perhaps it is hidden in only a chosen few?

I continued along, and got into another battle, and it went quickly enough before I found some ruins. I got into a battle with a Hex Maniac at the entrance, and through it Axel grew to Level 49. I went down into the basement of the ruins, and got into another battle with a Punk Guy. Through the battle Jack and Brody both grew to Level 49, and afterwards I went on to explore more of the winding hallways.

I got into a Double Battle with another couple Punks, and through the battle Cadence grew to Level 49. I had to use an antidote on Cadence before I continued on, and encountered a Punk Guy who wanted me to meet his boss. I continued into the room, and met an old man who called himself Boss. He told me that he had looked for a long time for someone who was born into this world for the purpose of beautiful skating. Boss taught me the cosmic flip trick, to be done off a ledge.

I got into another battle on my way out of the basement, and Logan grew to Level 50, and soon I was outside once more. I went south to check out Route 16, and after a battle with a Rollerskater, Jack grew to Level 50. I quickly got into ANOTHER battle with another Rollerskater that came by right after, and Axel grew to Level 50 and learned Thunder in place of Slam.

I decided to continue on after that, not wanting to explore Route 16 at the moment. I reached the snowy streets of Dendemille Town, and I went to the Pokemon Center to heal my team and buy supplies. I knew I'd have to explore the town later.

Current Team:

Brody (Diggersby, Normal/Ground, Lv. 49)
Cadence (Floette, Fairy, Lv. 49)
Logan (Venusaur, Grass/Poison, Lv. 50)
Axel (Pikachu, Electric, Lv. 50)
Gabriel (Talonflame, Fire/Flying, Lv. 50)
Jack (Greninja, Water/Dark, Lv. 50)

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