Monday, November 30, 2015

Pokemon Y - Assault on Lysandre Labs

I flew to Lumiose City, and went looking for that cafe owned by Lysandre. I couldn't resist going into a battle with a Beauty as I searched, and after the battle Cadence grew to Level 54. I obtained a Nugget for my victory, and after that decided to use a Shiny Stone on her to make her evolve into Florges! I also decided to use a Thunder Stone to make Axel evolve into Raichu!

With two of my Pokemon stronger than ever, I found a Pokemon Center to heal Cadence at, and I also bought supplies before I continued my search for the Lysandre Cafe. After a time I finally found it, hidden in it's own little alley way. I talked to one of the people working there, who turned out to be Flare Grunts.

I battled both of the Flare Grunts, and through the battles Gabriel, Logan, and Jack all grew to Level 54. One of the Grunts told me the password for the hidden door located in the cafe, and past the second one was the door I was looking for. I put in the password, and it slid open, then I went inside ready for a fight.

I stepped forward into a large room, and met Lysandre there. He told me that the world would eventually reach the point of no return, and that saving the lives of all would be impossible. He told me only the chosen ones would obtain a ticket to tomorrow, and asked if I wanted a ticket or if I wanted to stop him.

I fought against Lysandre, starting by sending Gabriel out against his Mienfoo. Gabriel went high while Meinfoo used Sword Dance to increase it's attack before Gabriel struck with Fly to knock it out.

Gyarados was sent out next, and I sent Axel out against it. It's intimidate cut Axel's attack, but he struck with Thunder to knock it out instantly. Both Axel and Brody grew to Level 54, and then Lysandre sent out Pyroar, while I sent Jack out against it. Jack struck with Surf for massive damage, and Pyroar went down hard.

Lysandre was down to his last Pokemon, Murkrow, and I sent Cadence out against it. Cadence struck with Moonblast, and Murkrow was knocked out, earning me victory against Lysandre.

After the battle Lysandre laughed, telling me that my convictions pleased him, and he knew that I was there to stop him. He asked me to wait, telling me he tried to save people and the world with the profit from the lab we were in, and he claimed that his efforts had no effect. He continued, telling me that the world was too vast and too full of fools to be saved by his work alone.

Lysandre told me that he decided the only way to save the world was to take it all for himself. He said he didn't expect to ever make me understand how he thinks and feels, and I admit that I couldn't. I didn't even understand what threat he thought the world was under that he felt the best solution was to end all human life.

Lysandre told me that I could try to stop the ultimate weapon, but to do so I would have to explore his lab, and battle everyone I'd meet. He told me the keys to the elevator going to the weapon were being held by one of the Team Flare Scientists, so I would need to fight to get them.

Lysandre told me that the world was suffering because of the absurd dream to save everything, and he left. I started exploring the lab, trying to find the Flare Scientist with the key. I went west and got into a battle with a Flare Grunt, then I went onto a warp tile before I spotted one of the Scientists.

This Flare Scientist was one I met at the Kalos Power Plant, and we battled. Gabriel took out her Mightyena, and Cadence took out her Druddigon, and after the battle she moved aside to allow me access to two different warp tiles.

I took the green warp tile, and went north to get into another battle with another Flare Grunt. Through the battle, Gabriel and Cadence both grew to Level 55, and afterwards I healed my team before I went into an office to the north.

In the office I found the two lab assistants, in their disguises, looking for someone. They turned and asked me if I had seen anything, telling me they were looking for a really tall guy. They told me that information they received told them that Team Flare was looking for this tall man, and said that his relationship to Team Flare is still a mystery.

I received some Revives from the pair, and then I left. I went around and got into another battle with a Flare Grunt, and through the battle Logan and Jack both grew to Level 55. I found a room in the west, and there a Grunt gave me TM12 (Taunt) and I grabbed another Revive before I laid in one of the beds to rest up.

I continued through the maze and got into another battle with another Flare Grunt, and through the battle both Axel and Brody grew to Level 55. After the battle I continued through the maze and got into yet another battle with a Flare Grunt. After the battle I stepped forward and found a pair of Scientists.

I got into a battle with one of the Scientists, Celosia, and her two Pokemon went down easily against my team. I couldn't catch a break when the other Scientist, Bryony, wanted to fight right after, and through the battle Cadence, Gabriel, and Axel ALL grew to Level 56.

With the two Scientists defeated, they told me what they knew. According to them, they've been using the electricity they stole from the Power Plant to get everything prepared for activating the ultimate weapon, and that they'd need more than electricity to use it. Bryony told me that they would also need the energy absorbed from Pokemon to power the device, that the stones on Route 10 would steal the energy for them and power the ultimate weapon.

Celosia told me that those stones that line Route 10 are the graves of Pokemon, victims of the ultimate weapon that ended the horrible war 3,000 years prior. She said their lives were the price of peace then, and that Team Flare would also have to sacrifice something precious to use the weapon.

I made my way around the lab after I left the room with the two Scientists, and hopped onto a warp tile before I snagged some Black Glasses. I went north from there and fought another Flare Grunt, and through the battle Brody grew to Level 56. I continued onto another warp tile, and found another office.

In the office I grabbed a Rare Candy before I read a report on a nearby desk. It appeared to be from Lysandre, talking about his journey around Kalos as a young Pokemon Trainer. His notes described how he would help people who had nothing, but after a time they took him for granted and demanded more and more. He believed that there was only so much money and energy the world could produce, and with the populations of people AND Pokemon increasing in these peaceful times he thought it was only a matter of time until everything was lost.

I left the office and made my way around, then went onto a warp tile and snagged a Hyper Potion before I continued along. I got into another battle with a Flare Grunt, and through the battle Jack and Logan both grew to Level 56.

I went onto a nearby warp tile, and got into yet another battle. After the battle I continued along into another office, where I found another Scientist, one I met in Frost Cavern. After a little bit of conversation, we battled. Her Pokemon were no match for mine, and she was easily defeated. After the battle, the Scientist, Mable, handed over the Elevator Key.

I left the office and made my way to the elevator, and I went down to the next level. I went down a few flights of stairs, and found Lysandre standing before a jail cell holding some giant man. He appeared to talk to me, and I turned to look at him.

The man told me a story from long ago about a man and his Pokemon. He said that the man's beloved Pokemon took part in the war that had begun, and after several years he was given a tiny box which held his Pokemon, fallen in battle. He wanted to bring it back no matter what, and built a machine to give it life, which he used to bring his beloved Pokemon back to life.

The story continued that the man had suffered too much, and that even after that his rage hadn't subsided. He couldn't forgive the world that had hurt his Pokemon, and he turned the machine into the ultimate weapon. It was his act of destruction that ended the war, and said that the Pokemon he revived knew that the lives of many Pokemon were taken to restore it's own life, and so it left the man.

The giant man told me to get the key back, saying that the weapon should not be used or everything would vanish again. Lysandre told me that this man was AZ, and that he had the same name as the king that lived 3,000 years ago. Lysandre continued, saying that for some unknown reason this man, AZ, had the key to the ultimate weapon hung around his neck.

Lysandre told me to follow him, and I went to the elevator to go further down. I went forward into an office and found him talking with another Scientist. The scientist told Lysandre that preparations were completed, and that they just had to put the plan into motion.

I stepped forward, and Lysandre pointed out the two large buttons on either side of the room. He told me that one push of a button could activate the ultimate weapon from that room, and he told me he believed I had the potential to change the future. He told me that whether the weapon is used or left underground was entirely upon me, and I was left to confront the Scientist, Xerosic.

The battle was short, and through ti Cadence and Gabriel both grew to Level 57, while Axel got knocked out. Xerosic complimented me on my skill and bravery, then told me that one of the two buttons behind him would activate the ultimate weapon.

I healed Axel, and then I decided to press the blue button on the left. He congratulated me on pressing the right button, but then told me he would still activate the ultimate weapon. He said that while his boss promised that they wouldn't if I pushed the correct button, he himself refused to let the potential go to waste.

The ultimate weapon was activated, and we could watch on a nearby monitor as the rocks in the middle of Geosenge Town lowered, and the ultimate weapon broke through the surface and floated in the air, opening up and glowing brightly as it readied to fire. It slammed onto the ground after opening like a flower, and it went into some kind of standby mode.

Xerosic was quite pleased with himself, telling me how all but Team Flare would perish from the use of this poisonous flower. With the weapon ready to be used, I had little choice but to leave the labs and get ready to head to Geosenge Town.

Current Team:

Axel (Raichu, Electric, Lv. 56)
Logan (Venusaur, Grass/Poison, Lv. 56)
Brody (Diggersby, Normal/Ground, Lv. 56)
Jack (Greninja, Water/Dark, Lv. 56)
Gabriel (Talonflame, Fire/Flying, Lv. 57)
Cadence (Florges, Fairy, Lv. 57)

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