Friday, January 1, 2016

Pokemon Y - Couriway Town

After taking a much-needed break after defeating Team Flare, I continued my journey, starting back in Anistar City. As I made my way to the next route, I got a Holo Clip from Professor Sycamore, who wanted to talk to me face-to-face in Couriway Town.

I went through Route 18 and got into a wild Pokemon battle, where Gabriel grew to Level 59. While I went around the path I found a Wacan Berry and a PP Up, and I got into a few battles with Trainers. I also found a house that held a Trainer who had the odd ability to change type match-ups, where Water would be weak against Fire or Grass would be weak against Water, but I chose not to try such a battle.

I continued along the road and found a Max Ether, and got into a few more wild Pokemon battles before I soon found myself in Couriway Town.

I went to the Pokemon Center and healed my team, then I searched for Professor Sycamore. I explored the town as I searched, and in one of the houses I met a little girl, who wanted a nuzzle from Axel and gave me a Revive as thanks. I also received TM89 (U-Turn) from a woman at the train station there, and nearby I found a Rare Candy as well.

Eventually I met up with Professor Sycamore, who apologized to me about Lysandre and the trouble he caused. He also wanted to thank me, telling me he was grateful for what I did for all of the Pokemon and people of the world. Sycamore talked to me for a time about his relationship with Lysandre, and of the idea of greed in a world of resource scarcity that Lysandre was worried about.

It was after his little speech that Sycamore told me he wanted to battle with me. I had no issues with that, and the battle began. I sent Logan out, and Sycamore sent out his own Venusaur in return. I quickly switched out to Gabriel, who got hit by Petal Dance for minor damage, though his Flame Body ability burned Sycamore's Venusaur. Gabriel struck with Flame Charge after that, dealing massive damage, and then Venusaur used Petal Dance once more for good damage before it became confused.

I had Gabriel attack once more with Flame Charge to knock Venusaur out, and Blastoise was sent out next while I sent Axel out to deal with it. Axel got hit by Aqua Tail for great damage, and was unable to land a shot with Thunder. The next turn saw Thunder strike Blastoise down, and both Cadence and Logan grew to Level 60.

I sent Jack out against Sycamore's last Pokemon, Charizard, and Jack attacked with Surf for massive damage that knocked out Charizard and won the battle. Jack grew to Level 60, and learned Hydro Pump in place of Smack Down. Axel also grew to Level 60 before the battle was finally done.

With the battle over, Sycamore complimented the strength of my team, and the love and trust I have for my Pokemon. Sycamore went on to tell me that he had a treasure hidden in the town, and suggested that I try to find it. After that Sycamore told me he had to go, that he had a surprise planned for all of us to thank us for fighting Team Flare and saving Kalos.

I explored more of Couriway Town, and received a Mystic Water for answering some questions. I got a picture taken by the waterfall there near the hotel, before I went inside to explore. While at the hotel I received TM55 (Scald) and a Relax Ribbon which I gave to Brody. I also found Mr. Bonding, who gave me the O-Power Stealth Power Lv. 1, which I could use to reduce random encounters in tall grass.

With all that done, I healed my team and got ready to continue on my journey through Kalos.

Current Team:

Brody (Diggersby, Normal/Ground, Lv. 59)
Gabriel (Talonflame, Fire/Flying, Lv. 59)
Cadence (Florges, Fairy, Lv. 60)
Axel (Raichu, Electric, Lv. 60)
Logan (Venusaur, Grass/Poison, Lv. 60)
Jack (Greninja, Water/Dark, Lv. 60)

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