Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pokemon Y - Victory Road

I went west from Snowbelle City onto Route 21, where I immediately got into a battle with an Ace Trainer. After I beat her, I went and surfed north and found an Insect Plate, then I went back onto the main path to continue ahead. I quickly got into a Double Battle with another couple Ace Trainers, and by the end of the battle Brody grew to Level 64.

I found a boulder nearby, and pushed it north until it dropped into a hole, and I continued north to get into a battle with a Veteran. Through the battle Jack grew to Level 65, and after that I went inside a nearby home belonging to a Move Tutor, who would teach a powerful Dragon-Type move. I left there and found a Repeat Ball and Figy Berry nearby before I continued on my way.

I found a dirt path that went south, and I slid down it to get into another battle with an Ace Trainer, but it went quickly and I found myself looking at a strength puzzle afterward. I made my way around and quickly found myself in another battle with a Veteran, though it ended quickly and Logan and Gabriel both grew to Level 65.

I snagged a nearby elixir, and then I worked my way through the strength puzzle, pushing boulders here and there until I cleared out a long path through the area. For my efforts I snagged TM22 (Solar Beam) and a Rare Candy, then I made my way back to the path and reached Victory Road.

Before going through Victory Road, I decided to continue west to explore Route 22, and find more items and Trainers. I quickly got into a battle with a Lass, but her only Pokemon was extremely weak and went down easily. The same thing happened with the other couple Trainers I battled, so I got almost no experience, but after the third battle I managed to snag a Litleo (Fire/Normal, Female, Lv. 5) before I continued along the path.

I got into another battle with another Trainer, and his Pokemon went down quickly before I got into another short battle with another Trainer, and then another, all beaten easily. I snagged a nearby Elixir, then I went to the end of the path to reach Santalune City. While there, I healed my team and got into lighter clothing, before I headed back to further explore Route 22.

I surfed along the stream nearby and soon found a new area to explore. I quickly got into a battle with an Ace Trainer, and through it Axel, Brody, AND Cadence all grew to Level 65. I passed by her to grab a Tanga Berry, then I worked my way through another strength puzzle. When I reached the end of the puzzle, I got TM26 (Earthquake) for my effort.

After the puzzle, I went north to find myself in another battle with an Ace Trainer, but I won with a single attack. I went into the cavern he was standing by, and found a Spooky Plate there. I found nothing else, so I left, but before I went back to the entrance to Victory Road I surfed through the stream and found a Draco Plate.

Finally I went to the gate to Victory Road, where I was stopped by an Ace Trainer who guarded the entrance. He demanded to see my gym badges, and when he saw I had earned all eight he decided to test me in a battle. Jack took down his first Pokemon, Carbink, then I sent Brody out to defeat his Raichu, before finally Axel took down Kingdra, his last Pokemon.

With the Ace Trainer defeated, I was allowed to pass through onto Victory Road. I decided to quickly head back to town to get more supplies for the journey ahead, as well as to heal my team. With preparations made, I went through the gate and onto Victory Road.

I used a Max Repel and went into the cave, ready to fight anyone who stood in my way. I quickly got into a battle with an Ace Trainer, and after that I surfed across a small pond to the west, and went up some stairs further along the path. I got into another battle with an Ace Trainer, and through the battle Jack grew to Level 66.

After the battle I had to heal my team, and then I went west and up some stairs before I found myself in another battle, and through it Logan and Brody both grew to Level 66. I went ahead and left the cavern, and walked onto a bridge outside where I got into another battle. Through the battle Cadence, Brody, and Axel all grew to Level 66, and then I continued past the bridge and along the path before I went into another cave.

I got into another battle at the entrance, a short battle, and afterwards I looked on at the path ahead. There were a few ledges going to many raised rock pillars along different paths, but they all linked so you weren't forced to choose one or the other and get stuck. I made my way along, and got into another battle, and after that I used strength to move a boulder into a hole.

With the path opened up, I could go one of two ways; north at the crossed path, or further along the path and up some stairs. I decided to go north first to find myself in another battle, and after I beat the Black Belt I went further north and found a Carbos, but nothing else.

I healed Gabriel after that and I continued along the path, up the stairs, and into a Double Battle, and by the end of it Gabriel grew to Level 67. I continued along the path, over a bridge, up some stairs, and then outside the cave once more.

I went along the path, battling another Trainer among some ruins, and by the end of it both Jack and Logan grew to Level 67. After I beat her, I looked around, saw more Trainers along the path going north, and a boulder south of the main path. I used strength to move it, and found another cave. I went inside, then down several stairs, and then I have to move another boulder to make a shortcut to the entrance of Victory Road.

I went back to the path outside among the ruins, and I got into another battle, this time with a Hex Maniac. By the end of the battle both Axel and Brody grew to Level 67, then I healed Brody and moved along to find a Pokemon Ranger who healed my team. I snagged a Quick Ball and then proceeded south along the path.

Before I could get too far I was stopped by Serena. She told me she had been thinking about the situation in Geosenge Town, and how Lysandre chose only Team Flare. She remarked that she and I chose everyone BUT Team Flare, but since our positions forced our hands, you couldn't really say that any of us were right.

She told me that she felt that if both sides have something to say that it would be best to meet halfway. Because of that, she made a decision, that she didn't want to battle just to win, but to see how my Pokemon and I think and feel.

With that, I got into another battle with Serena. She sent out Meowstic while I sent out Cadence against it. Meowstic started with Fake Out, causing Cadence to flinch, but doing little else. Cadence attacked with Moon Blast next, doing massive damage, before Meowstic countered with Psychic for good damage. Cadence attacked with Dazzling Gleam, and did good damage to knock it out.

Cadence grew to Level 67, and then I sent Axel out against Serena's Vaporeon. Axel struck with Thunderbolt for massive damage, and Axel avoided it's counterattack, Muddy Water. Axel attacked once more with Thunderbolt for great damage, and knocked Vaporeon out.

Next up was Altaria, and I decided to keep Axel in the fight. He attacked first with Nuzzle which did minor damage but paralyzed Altaria, stopping it from attacking. Axel used Thunder next, and it struck for massive damage, before Altaria countered with Dragon Pulse for great damage. Axel attacked with Thunderbolt again, and Altaria was knocked out.

Serena sent out her next Pokemon, Chesnaught, while I sent Gabriel out against it. Gabriel went high and avoided Body Slam, then he struck with Fly for massive damage that took out Chesnaught in one blow.

Absol was the last of Serena's Pokemon, and I sent Cadence out against it. Cadence struck with Moonblast for massive damage, which knocked out Absol and won the battle.

After the battle, Serena told me that she felt like she and I are alike, and that's why she didn't want to lose to me. She thought that the reason we're so alike is because we have so many things in common, and she told me she was happy that we're friends.

She gave me some Max Revives, and told me she was renewing her rivalry with me, and she ordered me to become a stronger and stronger Pokemon Trainer. Serena said she'd also get stronger, and told me that she believed the first step is mastering the power that comes from the bond between her and her Pokemon, just like I had done. She told me to do my best, and believed I could handle it.

Serena left after that, and I went back to the Pokemon Ranger to heal my team before I continued on. I went into another cave, and quickly got into a battle with a Pokemon Ranger. The battle ended quickly, and I made my way through several ramps in a small maze before I continued along the path.

I went north and got into a battle with a Veteran, then I snagged a nearby Dragon Fang and then a Full Restore as I made my way back. I got into another battle with a Pokemon Ranger, and by the end of it Axel, Cadence, AND Gabriel all grew to Level 68.

I continued along the path and got into another battle, this time with a Veteran, and through the battle Jack and Logan both grew to Level 68. I pushed a boulder at the south to make a new path, then I continued further along the path and out of the cave.

I got into another battle, this time with an Artist, and Brody was able to take down his Smeargle easily, and he grew to Level 68. I continued along the path and got into yet another battle, and found a pier in a pond, with a cave and waterfall nearby. I surfed on the pond and went up the waterfall, and I got into another battle, and afterwards found TM02 (Dragon Claw) before I went back down the waterfall and into the cave.

Just as I was on the final stretch, I had a few more battles to fight. By the end of all that fighting the entire team, Gabriel, Axel, Cadence, Jack, Logan, and Brody ALL grew to Level 69. With them out of the way, I continued along the path, up some stairs, and out the caverns to finally reach the Pokemon League.

Current Team:

Brody (Diggersby, Normal/Ground, Lv. 69)
Jack (Greninja, Water/Dark, Lv. 69)
Logan (Venusaur, Grass/Poison, Lv. 69)
Axel (Raichu, Electric, Lv. 69)
Cadence (Florges, Fairy, Lv. 69)
Gabriel (Talonflame, Fire/Flying, Lv. 69)

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