Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Pokemon Y - Looker Bureau Part 2

After some time away from the world of Pokemon, I returned once again to aid Looker in bringing justice to the Kalos Region.

The new task I had from Looker was from a Lumiose City mothers' group, concerned about kids spending lots of time in back alleys recently. The job required that I go to these alleys, and get the kids to stop hanging around. It seemed like it would pay well, at least.

Looker advised me to check South Boulevard first, and gave me a list of all the locations that I could find alleys, before I left to search for these kids. I looked in one alleyway, only to find a Chef who wanted to battle. After that, I checked the alleyways of Estival Avenue, and while I found a Trainer who wanted to battle in one of them, I was unable to find any kids.

It seemed that Looker's hunch was completely wrong, so I went to North Boulevard to check the alleyways there. I reached Autumnal Avenue and looked through the alley there, then I continued along as the alleyways in North Boulevard generally link up together. I continued along, battling Trainers I found in the alleys before I finally found the kids in an alleyway near restaurant Le Nah on South Boulevard.

There were several kids there, and they demanded I beat them all before I was allowed to enter their secret base. Through all the battles, Logan, Axel, AND Jack all grew to Level 75. Finally I got through all those kids, and was about to meet one named "Mimi" before Looker came running.

We heard a Pokemon nearby, and went to investigate, finding a couple girls and some little gray Pokemon named Mimi. It turned out that the girl who named it wasn't a Trainer, and she had just befriended the Pokemon. Looker asked her what they were all doing in the alley, and she explained that they were just playing, and that all the kids were friends of hers.

Looker could see they were all good kids, and asked why they picked a dark alley like that to play in, and she told us that she always lived in alleys. It turned out that the girl was an orphan living on the streets, and Looker invited her to stay at his office, the Looker Bureau. He offered her the chance to live in his office in exchange for her work as an assistant, as well as Mimi.

Unfortunately, Mimi didn't like the idea, and ran off, leaving me to look for her. The girl explained that Mimi is usually scared of humans, especially grownups, and that she wouldn't leave the Pokemon behind. Looker ordered me to go find Mimi and befriend her, and I left to do just that.

I searched the alleys along North Boulevard, and soon found Mimi near Cafe' Triste, where I gave her a smile before she ran off. I found her again in another nearby alley, and did a dance for her, which she seemed to really like. Mimi and I met up with Looker and the girl once more, and we all headed to the Looker Bureau together.

Looker told her that she was free to live there as long as she wished, and that he was happy to have her as an assistant, before he asked for her name. She told us her name was Emma, and with that the case was closed.

Soon enough though, I got a call from Looker on my Holo Caster about a new job, and I knew I'd have more to do soon.

Current Team:

Gabriel (Talonflame, Fire/Flying, Lv. 74)
Jack (Greninja, Water/Dark, Lv. 75)
Axel (Raichu, Electric, Lv. 75)
Logan (Venusaur, Grass/Poison, Lv. 75)
Brody (Diggersby, Normal/Ground, Lv. 75)
Cadence (Florges, Fairy, Lv. 75)

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