So, one of the biggest changes in the series has been the removal of HMs, turning most of them into powerful TMs, while others simply disappeared. HMs were a staple of the Pokemon series since Generation 1, where you needed HMs to get through the region, gained from special NPCs as you went on your journey. Now though, as you progress through the game, you gain access to Ride Pokemon, which perform many of the same things as those old HMs did.
You can ride on a Tauros to smash rocks, surf on a Lapras, and fly from place to place while riding on a Charizard, which means that's at least one move slot per Pokemon on your team that is freed up by this change. Since the very beginning, Pokemon could only memorize four different moves, and while HMs were generally powerful attacks, they forced Trainers to give up one of those precious few slots so they could progress through the game.
With this change, players can finally teach their Pokemon whatever moves they want, without fear of being stuck behind a barrier somewhere. It's great news for me, because I've wanted to be able to train Pokemon after I'm done with the main story, but I worried about having to switch Pokemon around to get through the islands. Now I can just get around as I need to without teaching my new team certain moves or having to keep switching to old Pokemon with specific HMs.
There are other changes I'll talk about later, but I thought this was a big one to mention.